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Tag: Aging

Erectile Problems, Belly Fat And Constant Tiredness – Welcome To The...

Testosterone replacement therapy is all the rage among midlife men – and it’s stirring up debate among women and the medical community. “I was 54,...

Can Aging Be Cured? Scientists Are Giving It A Try

Cutting-edge technologies are revealing the intricacies of human aging and sparking research into drugs to slow it, or even reverse it. (Part One) Seconds after his...

How To Fill Your Days As A New Empty Nester

As your children leave the nest, you may find yourself with more free time on your hands than you know what to do with....

Girls Over 60—And Getting Better With Age

For many women, it’s easy to forge a sense of style in their youth. Clothes on the racks are designed for young female bodies...

Jennifer Garner Had It Right About Aging — We All Need...

Rejecting negative reactions to your own reflection is an act of rebellion I was staring at a terribly unflattering close-up of my face on my...

Your Exercise Routine won’t Stop Brain Aging Like These Two Diet...

A small change can make all the difference. Longevity is a puzzle that many brilliant scientists are trying to solve. Exercise, diet, sleep, and...

Aging Follies: Changes You’ll See When 60 Becomes 70

Getting older may not always be much fun, but you have the privilege of both living longer and learning stuff along the way. Herewith,...

How To Care For Ageing Parents: Strategies For The Sandwich Generation

Juggling Work, Kids And The Wellbeing Of Their Own Parents, Those In The Sandwich Generation Certainly Don’t Have It Easy. Here Are Tips On...

How To Prevent Stiffness As You Age?

Although we can do everything in our power to live healthy lives, it’s impossible to fully delay ageing. Some bodily processes begin to break...

Attitudes About Ageing Are Changing

Did you realise that those of us older than 50 are in the midst of a seismic shift in how we view age? It...
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