Home Food Your Exercise Routine won’t Stop Brain Aging Like These Two Diet Tweaks

Your Exercise Routine won’t Stop Brain Aging Like These Two Diet Tweaks

Your Exercise Routine won't Stop Brain Aging Like These Two Diet Tweaks

A small change can make all the difference. Longevity is a puzzle that many brilliant scientists are trying to solve. Exercise, diet, sleep, and stress all play a vital role in a long lifespan.

But a health span is far more important than lifespan. And the biggest component of a health span is brain performance.

You want to live a medium-length life with a healthy brain rather than a long life with a dud brain.

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So, taking care of your brain should be a no-brainer.

Diet plays a bigger role in brain health than exercise. So, make these two small tweaks in your diet to slow down brain aging.

1. Decrease your risk of premature death by 27%

Fats are healthy. You can’t survive on a zero-fat diet for longevity.

But you can decrease the chances of premature death by a whopping 27% if you follow a low-fat diet.

Healthy fats can give you a boon of a long life, but only when consumed in moderation.

Douse your garlic bread with a spoonful of olive oil.
Eat fatty fish encrusted with herbs and spices.
Garnish your salads with a handful of nuts.

Olive oil, fish, and nuts are healthy fats that will keep your brain sharp.

12 Healthy High-Fat Foods You Should Eat

Eat healthy fats in moderation for long life.

Fat is not the enemy, unhealthy fat is. You need to limit processed foods full of saturated and trans fats.

Cut out unhealthy fats from your diet. It will be a long and difficult journey but the results, in the end, are worth it.

Better metabolism, cleaner arteries, low cholesterol, and longer life are worth more than just taste.

High-fat foods are addictive. You cannot give them up completely so box a day in your week for these delicious treats.

The reward of long-term gratification is more delicious than a chocolate pastry.

The Top 10 Worst Foods You Should Give Up | Everyday Health

How to do it:

  • Throw out half of the unhealthy fatty snacks you own.
  • Replace it with fruits, nuts, berries, and dark chocolate.
  • Ration the unhealthy fat items.
  • Limit three unhealthy fatty foods per week.
  • Eat fatty fish every week.
  • Consume olive oil 5–6 times a week.

2. Increase your lifespan by 2 years

A human trial CALERIE concludes that calorie restriction can increase your lifespan.

Reducing your calories by a mere 14% for two years can have a big positive effect on both your lifespan and health span.

You can boost immunity, decrease inflammation, and elevate metabolism by tweaking your diet a little.

Thymus — the gland that makes immune cells (white blood cells and T-cells) is 70% fatty in a healthy 40-year-old.

Calorie restriction can help you keep this gland healthy and trim for a longer period, hence better immunity in your golden years.

Calorie restriction changes how your body produces energy. In just two years you can hack your body’s anti-inflammatory response.


Eat one less snack

Cutting out a daily muffin (14% calorie restriction) can help you achieve great health benefits.

So, don’t diet but eat mindfully. Avoid your habitual pick-me-up snack in the afternoon.

Switch your snacks with healthy whole foods like fruits, nuts, and seeds.

How to do it:

  • Observe a 12-hour fast every day.
  • Cut one snack from your diet.
  • Follow a no snack after dinner policy.
  • Eat three square meals every day.
  • Add healthy liquids to your diet — coconut water, tea, and vegetable juice.


You can’t live a long life without a healthy brain. You need to keep your brain in top shape for old age.

The best way to slow down brain aging is by tweaking your diet.

Follow a healthy low-fat diet with minimal calorie restriction for awesome results. Exercise is just the cherry on top.

So, eat a healthy diet for a longer health-span.