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Getting To Know Steve Wozniak
Steve Wozniak isn't the first Steve most people associate with Apple, but without "The Woz," the tech giant—and yes, that includes your iPhone and...
Top 8 Games To Keep Seniors’ Minds Sharp 2023
While frequent forgetfulness or severe memory loss can be indicative of Alzheimer’s disease, occasional forgetfulness is a common aspect of ageing. And although forgetting...
What is Thrive50Plus? A Place For The Thinking Over 50
Thrive50Plus Magazine is your new home for everything over 50 years. Covering all genres including travel, fun, learning & education, food, health, money, retirement, pets, news, automotive, tech & more! We share interesting articles, riveting stories and create amazing content just for your entertainment. Have something you feel we should cover? Contact us and let us know! We love your feedback and want to grow to become the best online magazine we can be, FOR YOU!