Ready or not, summer is here and that means swimsuits, shorts and sleeveless tops. For a cool, sweat-proof way to target those trouble spots, try a toning workout in the pool using simply a swim noodle. The challenge of buoyant resistance will change the way you look at exercise forever!
Aqua fitness isn’t just your grandma’s exercise anymore. All you need is access to a pool – be it yours, a friend’s or your local public pool.
According to Mark Grevelding, founder of Poolfit Exercise App and leading international water fitness trainer, “pool workouts are an ideal way to cross train, helping to ensure continued fitness results and exercise enjoyment.
“The water’s natural resistance and buoyant support provide opportunities to work at a much higher intensity without impacting your joints. Nowadays, you can enjoy HIIT, kickboxing, spinning, Pilates, and much more in the cool comfort of your pool.”
Buoyant Resistance
You don’t need fancy equipment in the pool to target your problem areas. “All you need is a simple swim noodle,” advises Mark. “When used for resistance, a pool noodle interacts with the upward forces of buoyancy when it is pushed downwards. This is the exact opposite of land fitness, where movements are directed upwards to interact with the downward forces of gravity.”
Controlling Eccentric Movement
In a fitness studio, it is important to control the downward movement, which is the eccentric or lengthening phase of the muscle contraction. Eccentric muscle actions help you maintain a longer, leaner look. In the pool, you want to control the upward phase of the movement, to ensure the eccentric phase of the muscle action.
What Noodle Size Do You Need?
A noodle can create a tremendous amount of resistance when submerged. “A large, thick, dense noodle will create the most resistance when submerged,” says Mark. “It is a good idea to have a couple of different sized noodles on hand, simply because some muscle groups may require more or less resistance.”
Target: Glutes
“The buttocks are right at the top of everyone’s toning to-do list,” says Mark. “Noodle Bent Knee Lunges target the gluteus maximus with hip extension as the noodle is pressed down against the upward force of buoyancy.”
“Start with your right knee bent and your right foot placed on the noodle. Slowly lift off of the pool floor until your thigh is perpendicular to the pool floor. Press the right foot slowly downwards until it makes contact with the pool floor. Perform 12-20 repetitions on the right leg and then switch to the left leg.”
Target: Hamstrings
Toned glutes and hamstrings are the key ingredient to shapely legs. “The hamstrings get far less daily use than the opposing muscle groups, the quadriceps and hip flexors,” explains Mark. “Therefore, it is important to give them extra attention. Similar to the Noodle Lunges, the hamstrings are targeted as you extend the leg downward with hip extension. However, in the Noodle Straight Leg Pulldown, the leg is extended rather than bent.”
Start with your right leg extended in front of you and the noodle under your right foot. Lower the extended leg until the right foot makes contact with the pool floor and then slowly return to start position. Perform 12-20 repetitions on the right leg and then switch to the left leg.
Target: Inner Thigh
The thighs are another high-priority training area, especially in the summer. “The inner thigh area is made up of a series of small muscles called the hip adductors,” explains Mark. “The inner thigh muscles are targeted with Noodle Side Leg Pull Down, as the leg is extended to the side and then pulled down.
Start with your right leg extended to the side of you with the noodle under your right foot. Lower the extended leg down until almost making contact with the pool floor, and then slowly return to start position. Perform 12-20 repetitions on the right leg and then switch to the left leg.”
Target: Back
“The area just below and behind the armpits, often referred to as the “bra strap muscle,” is often an area of concern,” says Mark. “The name for this muscle is the latissimus dorsi and it is responsible for shoulder extension, which involves pulling the arms down.”
“Lat Pulldowns are a great way to get these muscles into shape. Start standing with feet together and arms extending in front of you, lightly gripping the noodle. Pull your extended arms downward toward your thighs and then slowly let the noodle return up to the starting position. Perform 12-20 repetitions and repeat.”
Plank challenge: Perform the lat pulldowns in a modified plank position as pictured above additional core strengthening.
Target: Core
Tummy flab ranks high on the trouble spot list for many of us. “Obviously, it is impossible to spot-reduce body fa,” points out Mark. “However, working on the problem area will make you feel more confident and help you become more toned. Core exercises often involve spinal flexion, which primarily targets the rectus abdominis, a long sheath of muscle that extends from your sternum to your pubic bone.”
With our Noodle Plank Crunches, start in plank position, with your arms extended below shoulders, hands lightly gripping the noodle. Perform a prone knee tuck, flexing your spine as your knees tuck in towards the noodle and then return back to plank position. A more advanced version would be to bring your knees OVER the noodle as depicted in the photo. Perform 12-20 repetitions and repeat.
Target: Triceps
“Similar to a flabby stomach, it is impossible to spot-reduce fat from the arms,” says Mark. “But overall fat loss and muscle toning will produce arms that are readymade for a sleeveless top. The back of your upper arm consists of three muscles called the triceps. The triceps are targeted with extension of the forearms at the elbow joint.”
“Our Noodle Tricep Extensions can help. Start standing with feet together, elbows tucked into your side and your forearms perpendicular to the pool floor, as seen in the photo. Extend your forearms downward and then slowly return to the start position. Perform 12-20 repetitions and repeat.
Plank challenge: Perform the Tricep extensions in a modified plank position for additional core strengthening.
Expand your exercise horizons and take your workouts to the pool for optimal toning and fitness enjoyment. Looking for guided pool workouts led by aquatic fitness experts? There is an app for that! Be sure to check out the Poolfit video-on-demand app and website for a wide variety of pool workouts to follow along with.