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Tag: Mental Health

What Stress Really Does To Your Body – And How To...

It can play havoc with your daily life, but living under constant stress also has serious implications for your physical health If stress dominates your...

Living With Anxiety? Here Are 14 Instantly Relatable Cartoons

Coping strategies for anxiety include many things, but one thing that's sure to help is indulging in some humour – which we just happen...

The Majority of Food We Eat Is Surprisingly Addictive And Deadly

How to know if you might be a junkie, plus small steps you can take to promote a healthier and longer life Ultra-processed food, aka highly...

Extinguish The Flames Before Burnout

I'm a medical reporter who burnt out. It took eight minutes, three times a day, to rebuild my life … It was a black-tie...

Toxic Habits You Should Get Rid Of To Improve Your Quality...

Avoiding toxic habits might change and improve your whole life When I first tapped into personal development, I tried to build as many positive habits...

An 80-Year Harvard Study Reveals the Secret to Long-Term Happiness

The secret to long-term happiness - It isn’t money, success, fame, or following your passion: For over 80 years, Harvard’s Grant and Glueck study has tracked...

“I CHOOSE HAPPINESS”: Peter Chambers’ MND (Motor Neurone Disease) Journey

"Peter suffers from Motor Neurone Disease (MND). It is an uncommon condition that affects the nerves. It causes weakness that gets worse over time." I...

The Cowards Last Refuge — Un-Social Media

This is normally out of the social remit of the editorial platform of Thrive50plus.com. However sometimes things come up that stops us all in...

Number One Source Of Anxiety for Seniors: Being Surrounded by Morons

They’re everywhere. In the streets, in stores, in doctors’ offices, in governmental agencies. They’re our neighbours, and they’ve infiltrated our ranks. They’re morons. As I’ve...

Benefits of Sports to Mental Health

Sports have always been known for positive physical benefits. However, in recent years, it became known that it can positively play a role in...
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