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Tag: Anxiety

Living With Anxiety? Here Are 14 Instantly Relatable Cartoons

Coping strategies for anxiety include many things, but one thing that's sure to help is indulging in some humour – which we just happen...

The Best Music For Sleep Playlists in 2023

Good and bad songs for sleeping, according to science in 2023 Some people prefer total silence for a good night’s sleep. Others like some white...

Number One Source Of Anxiety for Seniors: Being Surrounded by Morons

They’re everywhere. In the streets, in stores, in doctors’ offices, in governmental agencies. They’re our neighbours, and they’ve infiltrated our ranks. They’re morons. As I’ve...

COVID-19 Aged Us All Big-Time. But There’s Something You Can Do...

A funny thing happens as we age: We start to feel younger than we are. Most people 40 and older, researchers have found, feel...

Anxiety Is in Your Body, Not Your Mind

Why you might want to stop talking about your anxiety and try this instead Let’s back up 50,000 years or so. Imagine you’re a Neanderthal...
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