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Mike Canavan

Mike Canavan

Ageism In The Community & Workplace. It’s A Disgrace

Ageism in the community and workplace has increasingly been a subject of discussion, and we here at Thrive50Plus thought we would weigh in with...

Move Your Mind; Not Your Average Self-Improvement Book

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Nick Bracks, the author of a new book that is rapidly becoming a best seller in the...

What Our Future Leaders Must Learn From The Mistakes Of Our...

The world is very different today — and not just because of the coronavirus. Events seem to turn it more quickly: Viruses become pandemics...

Your Personal Mental Health Check-In For Lockdowns

Again, today we face yet another extension to the simplistic concept of the ‘universal lockdown’. The Premier and her health minister the ‘hapless Hazzard’ keep...

Hope For The Future, Not Fear, Must Be The Covid Message

We as human beings rely on a number of things to keep us going. Our sense of community is vital to our stability, to...

Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm: A Rare And Unique Escape

Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm: The story of Cygnet Bay Pearls is a rare and fascinating tale that began three generations ago with entrepreneur and...

The Call Of Vanuatu; It’s Too Good To Miss

Suffering a little from the Covid lockdown blues, on a wet, foggy, winter Sydney morning, I thought it might be fun to take you...

It’s Not Only The Archibald That Turned 100

To be fair, art is a very subjective subject. As Yotam Ottolenghi once said: ‘one man's trash is another man's treasure’. After the controversy...

Where Did It Come From? Interesting Sayings And Their History.

You’ve no doubt heard them all before, but have you ever stopped to ask yourself what does it really mean, and where did it...

Tangled In The Dark Web: What Lies Beneath

Andrew Scipione, NSW’s former top police officer in the week that he retired told an inquiry into human trafficking by the NSW Parliament Chairman...
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