In the sixties, how your body would cope with getting old was not a priority.
A brief history
Back then Australians were pretty basic. To misquote Henry Ford, “They came in any colour as long as it was black or white”, and in two versions, Male or Female.
But life was by and large, good.
The female traditionally stayed close to home, predominantly in the kitchen, and thus suffered only moderate wear and tear. The male however had responsibilities that required him to travel further afield. Mostly to one of three destinations. Work, the footy or the pub and was thus more likely to be damaged and expire more quickly.
For a brief period, mostly in the sixties, a small number of male Australians were exported, mostly to Vietnam, with varying effect. Some returned home in less than good working order. Others were damaged beyond repair.
Back then, Australians were fuelled predominantly by a repetitive combination of sausages and chops, (Sometimes chops and sausages), something called a Chico Roll, colas and beer. And perhaps a roast something or other every second Sunday just to break the monotony.

While this intake provided a small level of instant gratification, its long term effect on internal workings and exterior gloss was not pretty. In those days however, there was little or no research to warn of future consequences.
That was then, this is now…
Today, many Australians, especially those models dating 50+ years of age or more are consequently in less than spectacular condition. Excessive weight, restrictive mobility and loose connections between control centers and active parts are common but, now not necessarily unfixable.
I have discovered a new product that I thought would be beneficial to our subscribers and asked their permission to talk about and offer it.
Introducing the healthiest drink on the planet …… Oxygn™

Optimism is one benefit you can attain from enjoying OXYGN™
Life is a journey. As wonderful as it can be, the road ahead, no matter how far you have already travelled can be littered with potholes, wrong turns and steep hills. As you get older it can become more and more difficult to live your life as might wish.
OXYGN™ Original contains only H20 & O2. It delivers a sustained natural boost to your system providing you with new energy levels to help power you through each and every day. Imagine if you will, a life on cruise control, where the bumps are less stressful and the road ahead is clear and welcoming.
Oxygn™ Water is unlike any other hydration drink available.
Once you have experienced the uplifting qualities of Oxygn™ and enjoyed the rewards you will understand and appreciate how this unassuming but uniquely beneficial product can positively change your life by naturally maximising opportunities for your body to function more efficiently.
OXYGN™ Next Level Nano Technology provides exceptionally high levels of oxygen to your blood-stream. Oxygn™ Sport Hydration+ infused with magnesium, sodium, and glucose, assists in relieving symptoms of dehydration and muscle cramps, while supporting muscle relaxation and physical endurance. Oxygn™ Active Body+ infused with magnesium, assists in relieving symptoms of dehydration and muscle cramps, while supporting muscle relaxation and physical enduranc. OXYGN’s™ easy to absorb ultra-fine nano bubbles distinguishes OXYGN™ from other hydration drinks available today.
An opportunity to feel more like your younger self.

How Oxygn™ can make you feel.
At 50+ you need to exercise but your body is uncooperative.
How well you recover from one day’s activities dictates how well you perform the next. By increasing lactate clearance, Oxygn™ Original accelerates the speed your body clears toxins, so you feel better, faster & can exercise more comfortably & more regularly. It’s not just for exercise. Your organs are increasingly being called upon to process a range of toxins, alcohol for example. OXYGN™ Original reduces the time needed to recover from the affects of these toxins meaning you feel better, faster for longer.
How we make Oxygn™ for you.
OXYGN™ creation applies a process known as cavitation. Purified water is passed through a specialised valve creating nano scale bubbles, 1/1,000th of the size of those found in normal water. They help you absorb heightened levels of oxygen into your blood stream at a faster rate to aid rejuvenation. Enhanced levels of oxygen can also help clean your liver and clear lactate so exercising can once again be fun and more rewarding.
In a nutshell the benefits of enjoying the uplifting effect of OXYGN™ Original Nano Bubble Technology can include:
- The reduction of free radicals formed in your body
- Improved hydration
- Relief from inflammation
- Improved muscle flexibility
- Relief from cramps
- Enhanced muscle performance
- Stimulated brain activity
- Improved alertness
- Less stress
- Alleviation of tension headaches
Special exclusive offer for Thrive 50+ subscribers.
During the course of our investigation into this product, we spoke at length with its manufacturers and owners. We are very pleased to report to you that we had done a special introductory deal, only for Thrive50plus readers, that is an exclusive. Normally retailing at RRP $7.90 per bottle we have been able to negotiate a special promotional price of $4.95 per bottle (minimum order 12 bottles). This product will be shipped to you directly. You will be able to experience what we have done here at Thrive50plus the unique benefits using OXYGN™.
To take advantage of this offer please click on the pink panel on the advertisements that you will see on this page and it will take you to the order form at OXYGN™.