Do you know how to identify hidden fire hazards? Stay safe in your home with these vital tips from real firefighters.
Fire hazard awareness
Your home is your castle. Your refuge. Your safe place. When that tranquillity is shattered by fire, it’s devastating. Many of these fires occur due to the sort of hidden fire hazard we see daily but often ignore. In my years working as an electrician, I’ve seen the risks posed by electrical fires, but I also wanted to talk with first responders to learn the things firefighters wish we knew about fire and fire safety.
Home fires often take us by surprise, but we can plan for the worst by taking precautions. That means keeping up with the maintenance of items that can be fire hazards without proper cleaning and being smart about cooking to avoid grease fires. Read on for more important tips from veteran firefighters Lt Jimmy Ober and Capt Jeff Stobbe.
Unattended stoves

Who hasn’t put on a pot of water, then wandered off to another room while it comes to a boil? (Guilty as charged.) As far as poor fire safety decisions go, this is about as bad as it gets. Cooking is the leading cause of home fires and the second leading cause of home fire deaths (behind smoking). “Cooking and smoking fires are the biggest issues we face today,” says Capt Stobbe.
How to make it less dangerous
“Stand by your pan!” Small fires can turn into big ones very quickly. Grease, kitchen towels, food packaging, curtains and wooden spoons can all catch fire in your kitchen, and it doesn’t take much time for a small, manageable fire to take over your entire home.
So how can you lower the danger level? “If you’re going to cook on a stovetop,” Stobbe says, “stay in the room.”
Dryer lint

Firefighters respond to thousands of fires caused by washers and dryers every year, and dryers account for a whopping 92% of them. The most common cause? Dryer lint, specifically the failure to clean it out.
With its fibres, dust and ability to find its way into the deepest crevices of your dryer, lint is extremely flammable. “Seen it many times,” says Lt Ober. “The build-up of lint in a dryer and dryer vent pipe really does cause fires.”
How to make it less dangerous
This one’s easy—clean your dryer!—but it has two parts. First, clean the lint trap every time you dry your clothes. You can do this before or after the load, but always start the next one with a clean trap. Second, clean out the exhaust vent at least once a year. You can hire a company to do this, or go the DIY route with a dryer vent cleaner brush or a special tool that fits onto your drill. Stobbe says consistently cleaning out the vent will significantly reduce your home fire risk.
Non-working smoke alarms.

We’ve all been there: You’re setting the table or chatting on the phone and suddenly your kitchen is filled with smoke. “Beep! Beep! Beeeeeep!” goes the smoke alarm. You frantically open doors and windows, and if that doesn’t work … maybe you turn off the smoke alarm? Pull out the battery, even? Whatever’s in the oven looks like a piece of charcoal, and now you’re going out for dinner.
How to make it less dangerous.
Busted and battery-free smoke alarms are among the greatest dangers in your home. So, repeat after us: Never dismantle a smoke alarm!
“Early detection of smoke allows occupants to escape safely,” says Ober. Most home fire deaths (nearly three out of five) happen when the smoke alarms don’t work or when they’re missing. “It’s a cliché, but smoke detectors really do save lives,” he says.
If your home lacks smoke alarms, get them now. You should have one on every floor, one in each bedroom and one near all sleeping areas. Replace them every 10 years.

I store my barbecue right outside my kitchen so I can cook on the stove and grill food at the same time. That’s not a great idea, according to Stobbe. Gas and charcoal barbecues cause a lot of house fires.
How to make it less dangerous
“Barbecues should be kept [at least] 3 metres away from any structure,” Stobbe says. And by structure, he means your house as well as sheds, garages or other buildings like greenhouses. The 3 metre rule also applies if you live in an apartment and have a balcony, unfortunately. Check with your landlord to see what your outdoor grilling options are—the last thing you want to do is cause an apartment fire.

It never fails: I walk into the garage to find that my wife has helpfully plugged in our e-bikes. (I’m happy she remembers, but—and there’s always a “but” – sometimes they’ve been plugged in for days. Yikes! E-bikes and their lithium-ion batteries have been implicated in multiple catastrophic fires, so even though I’m thankful, I’m also right to be worried.
How to make it less dangerous
Monitor the amount of time your e-bikes and lithium-ion batteries stay plugged in, and always unplug them from the wall once they’re done charging. Never charge batteries while you’re not home or while you’re sleeping. Lithium-ion battery fires burn very hot and very fast, so don’t leave them unattended.
Extension cords

Extension cords save the day when you don’t have electricity where you need it. Outdoor holiday decorations? Check. Doing some work in the yard? Definitely. Bedside lamp doesn’t quite reach? Hold up—how long will you need to keep the lamp there? Extension cords are for temporary use only, which means 90 days. If that doesn’t sound like a long time, I get it—I’m an electrician, and I know how easy it is to forget about them. But this common household item poses serious risks: An extension cord is a fire and shock hazard because it generates heat, and it’s vulnerable to damage in ways your house wiring isn’t.
How to make it less dangerous
Always buy extension cords that are properly rated for the job (check the label for the watts and amps it can handle). Never use extension cords as permanent wiring, and don’t run them under carpeting, where foot traffic and heat build-up can damage the insulation. If you’re using an extension cord outside, don’t allow vehicle traffic to run over them, and be very careful when mowing the lawn or using power tools.
Clutter and hoarding

We all struggle with clutter from time to time, but did you know it’s also a fire hazard? This is particularly true in homes where occupants suffer from hoarding disorder. “Cleanliness and tidiness matters,” says Ober. Blocked exits, falling debris and the increased weight and fire load of clutter make it very difficult for firefighters to do their jobs. “As a rule, people who keep their houses organised and free from piles of debris and filth” have fewer accidental fires, he says.
How to make it less dangerous
If your home is merely cluttered, it’s time to get organised. If you know or love someone suffering from hoarding disorder, focus on safety while trying to get them help. Install smoke alarms and develop an emergency escape plan—and practise it.
Faulty wiring

When you plug in an appliance, computer, or television, you expect it to work safely. That’s why licenced electricians follow stringent code requirements and why you must be alert to problems in your walls, attic and basement that could cause fires.
Electrical fires rank third in fire injuries and deaths (behind cooking and smoking), but they cause the majority of property damage. That’s scary because most people don’t have any inkling that their wiring is bad.
One way to identify a fire hazard is to simply pay attention.
When you plug things in, do you smell anything? Hear buzzing? Does the receptacle feel warm? These are all signs of an electrical problem. Do your lights flicker, or do you often have to reset tripped breakers in your electrical panel? Get any of these things checked out by a licensed electrician.
Old appliances

Appliances are expensive. It’s tough to shell out cold, hard cash for the latest technology when that old toaster is working just fine, thank you very much. But old appliances can have outdated safety features, and over time, the cord, electrical connections, and insulation can wear out. Leaving them plugged in for years on end means that if something does go wrong, you may not notice it until it’s already engulfed in flames.
How to make it less dangerous
“Regularly check the wiring on appliances,” Stobbe says, “especially older models.” If the cord looks worn or frayed, or if you can see any electrical wires, replace it or replace the entire appliance. Be sure to unplug appliances when they’re not in use. Things like air fryers and rice cookers don’t need to sit energised when you only use them once in a while. Not only will you reduce your fire risk, but you’ll also cut down on your energy use.