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Vets Share Their 5 Best Tips For Safer Dog Walks – And 5 Things Never To Do

Vets Share Their 5 Best Tips For Safer Dog Walks – And 5 Things Never To Do

New research says more than 20,000 people each year seek treatment for dog walking injuries. To keep both you and your four-legged companion safe, vets say these simple steps are dog-walking winners.

Dogs need exercise

Dogs need physical exercise – and as their owner, those daily steps add up for you, too. A 2017 study published in BMC Public Health found that dog owners walk an average of 22 extra minutes per day. That’s exercise that counts toward The Heart Foundation’s recommended 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity exercise.

Walking outside has some major health perks for you…and, says veterinarian, Dr Megan Conrad, regular walks provide excellent mental stimulation for your pooch.


However, Dr Conrad and some fellow veterinarians told us there are some definite do’s and don’ts of dog walking that’ll help keep you and your pup safe and strolling happily for ages to come.

Do: Know your dog’s walking needs

In general, daily walks are recommended for most dogs, Dr Conrad says. Still, “the length of your walk very much depends on breed, age, and overall physical health.” A young border collie can go for several kilometres, while an older mini poodle is likely to need a shorter walk.

The average adult dog needs about 20 to 45 minutes of moderate exercise twice a day, which can include a brisk walk, says veterinarian, Dr Whitney Miller. But, Dr Miller says, it’s a good idea to check with your pet’s veterinarian to determine his or her individual exercise needs.

Don’t: Walk too much too soon

Don’t: Walk too much too soon

“Just like we would not go out and run a marathon without training first, you cannot expect your dog to go long distances right away,” Dr Karwacki says. When you’re establishing a walking routine, go short distances first and see how your dog is doing before you tack on more mileage.

Do: Make adjustments for the weather

Do: Make adjustments for the weather

“The general rule is if it’s too hot or too cold for you to be outside, it’s too much for your dog as well,” says veterinarian Dr Amber Karwacki.

This is especially true for breeds like French bulldogs, pugs, or Boston terriers that don’t handle high temperatures well. One way around the heat is to aim for early morning or night-time walks – just make sure to equip yourself and your dog with high-visibility gear like reflective clothing and lights (and carry a torch!).

If possible, choose an area or route that allows your dog to walk on soft grass or dirt, as this helps prevent damage to their paw pads, Dr Miller says. “If you are walking on cold ground, booties can help prevent your pet’s paws from injury, keep snow and ice from getting stuck between the pads, and provide a barrier against ice melt,” she adds.

If you’re walking on pavement during the summer, using paw protection (and bringing plenty of water!) is a good idea, too.

Do: Watch your dog’s behaviour

Do: Watch your dog’s behaviour

“Dogs may slow down, look in your direction, or outright refuse to move if they are feeling tired or don’t want to walk,” Dr Conrad says – and it’s important to respect this cue. Take notice of any excessive panting or unusual fatigue as well, Dr Miller adds, as these are clear signs to end the walk.

If you sense that your dog is peeing more than usual, you should contact your vet – this could be a sign of illness.

Do: Let your dog sniff around

Do: Let your dog sniff around

“Behaviourally, there’s nothing wrong with your dog frequently stopping to sniff their environment, and it can be good enrichment for them,” Dr Miller explains. “Sniffing is one of the main ways your dog experiences their environment, and there can be lots to take in on a walk, even in a familiar area.”

Do: Use positive reinforcement

Do: Use positive reinforcement

Avoid reprimanding your dog or using other forms of punishment, even if it seems mild, like pulling on their collar, Dr Miller says. Research, such as one 2020 study, has shown that aversive-based training can cause stress and confusion in dogs, and this can lead to poor behaviour – possibly only because they don’t understand.

“Positive reinforcement is proven to be effective,” Dr Miller says. “It promotes a focus on teaching dogs what we want them to do, such as having good manners, rather than focusing on behaviours we deem undesired.”

You can use treats to reward your dog when they stay politely at your side, when they observe other dogs calmly instead of charging after them, and when they return their attention to you after something distracts them.

Don’t: Use retractable leashes

Don’t: Use retractable leashes

Retractable leashes allow too much freedom to explore in places that may be dangerous, Dr Conrad says – and they can make it difficult to keep control of your dog. Some larger breeds of dogs may even be able to break them, and they’re known for causing skin burns, Dr Karwacki adds.

Here, it’s also important to note the findings of an April 2023 sports medicine study at Johns Hopkins University. A team of doctors analysed 20 years’ worth of national data and reported that on average, around 21,000 people per year seek treatment for injuries related to walking their pups on leashes. The data suggests that the majority of these injuries occur in individuals between age 40 and 64, and the most common reported injuries are finger fractures, traumatic brain injury, and shoulder sprains and strain.

That’s one more reason to choose a stable leash (not a retractable one), pay attention to your walk (don’t lose your focus by looking at your phone or getting otherwise distracted), and be mindful of the size of dog you’ll be able to manage for the coming years when you’re looking to bring a new canine companion into your life.

Don’t: Let them off the leash

Don’t: Let them off the leash

Unless you’re in a dog park, “it is essential to always keep your dog on a leash when out on a walk,” even if they’re well-behaved and trained, Dr Miller says. “You may encounter local wildlife and other people or dogs that could react negatively toward an off-leash dog or could distract your dog.”

Dr Miller recommends using a no-pull harness that’s well-fitted (meaning it doesn’t restrict your dog’s range of motion) to encourage good behaviour and limit accidental negative reinforcement, like pulling on their collar. “If your dog gets excited and pulls during the walk, simply stop walking and reward them when they are exhibiting the desired behaviour of a loose leash,” she explains. “Continue to reward while walking when your dog is at your side and not pulling. Patience and consistency are important for reinforcing good manners.”

Don’t: Approach other dogs without permission

Don’t: Approach other dogs without permission

“Some dogs are reactive or nervous around other dogs, and having a strange dog come up to them can be intimidating and scary,” Dr Conrad says.

Plus, not every person will be comfortable with you interacting with their pet, so be sure to over-communicate and seek permission, adds Dr Miller. (Also, stay fully focused – on-leash greetings can cause leashes to tangle up, presenting safety risks for both the dogs and the walkers.)