Home Living Fur Real: New Research Suggests It’s Pets Before Partners

Fur Real: New Research Suggests It’s Pets Before Partners

RESEARCH SUGGESTS IT'S PETS BEFORE PARTNERS | Fur Real: New Research Suggests It’s Pets Before Partners

New research commissioned by dating app eharmony has revealed the vital role pets play in romantic partnerships. [Pets before partners]

They are not just winners on dating profiles – with a pet’s inclusion leading to an increase in desirability, they can feather a truly compatible love nest.

eharmony’s survey found that almost half (49%) of online daters were more attracted to people with pets, particularly if the potential partner owns the same kind of animal as them.


Nearly three-quarters (72%) think pets contribute to a healthy relationship, which is likely to be because they reflect compatible values. Pets are also associated with high levels of affection and empathy, which are key ingredients for sustaining relationships.

Indeed, if a couple has fur babies who don’t get along, almost half of Aussies (47%) would be prepared to walkies away.

It’s not surprising then that nearly three-quarters (74%) of pet owners say it’s extremely important for a potential partner to get on with their four-legged friend.

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Fur Real: New Research Suggests It’s Pets Before Partners

Beyond romantic compatibility, almost two-thirds of Aussies (64%) look to a person’s choice of pet to assess their potential partner’s suitability. Overall, dog and cat ownership are associated with more positive traits, including dependability (49% for dog and 23% for cat), loyalty (55.5% and 22%), good levels of affection (47% and 30%) and intellect (43% and 28%).

There were negative vibes for reptile-lovers though, with the majority of respondents associating cold-blooded pets, and their owners, with the traits of rudeness (41%), shallowness (40%) and selfishness (37%).

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The most attractive pets for a new love match are dogs (75%), cats (47%), birds (21%) and rabbits (14.5%). The top deal-breakers though are crocodiles (55%), snakes (48%) and rats (42%). See tables 1 and 2 below.

What’s more, almost two-thirds (62%) of those surveyed said having an adopted or rescued (rather than purchased) pet makes a potential partner seem more attractive – possibly because they reflect higher levels of empathy and conscientiousness.

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Pets can also boost desirability on dating profiles. While only about a quarter (23%) of singles admitted to showing off their pet in their profile, about half of Aussies (44%) admit profile pictures that include a match’s pet make them more attractive.

What the expert says

eharmony psychologist Sharon Draper said it was particularly interesting that the majority (81%) of those surveyed felt how someone treats their pet is a strong indicator of how they would be in a relationship.

“At eharmony, we know that compatible matches are the secret to long-term relationship success and pets can be a great indicator of this. Beyond that, more than three-quarters of participants said pet ownership signified a person’s ability to handle commitment,” Sharon said.

“While animal companions were positively perceived by most online daters, there was a significant proportion (30%) of survey participants who said pets can make relationships harder – perhaps causing disagreements about training, or maybe sparking jealousy over who’s getting the larger share of the owner’s affection.

“These challenges that our furry friends pose to our relationships can also be seen as an opportunity to check-in regarding your values and see if you’re on the same page. Should your pet sleep in your bedroom? How will you train them and how will you discipline them when they’ve been naughty?

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“Unsurprisingly, our fur babies act much like real babies when it comes to testing our relationships, but also providing an opportunity to know your partner on a deeper level, and to find joy and companionship with a new member of the family.”

Top 5 attractive pets

  • Dogs (75%)
  • Cats (47%)
  • Birds (21%)
  • Rabbits (15%)
  • Lizards (6%)

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Top 5 deal-breaker pets

  • Crocodiles (55%)
  • Snakes (49%)
  • Rats (42%)
  • Possums (27%)
  • Lizards (27%)

Key findings

  • One in two Aussies (49%) say they’re more attracted to pet-owners, with furry friends on dating profiles getting the thumbs up from almost half the population (42%)
  • Three-quarters (74%) of Aussies believe that it’s extremely important for potential partners to be compatible with their pet
  • However, if a couple has incompatible pets, almost half (47%) would be prepared to call time on the relationship
  • Dogs (75%) and cats (47%) top the rankings for the most attractive pet for a potential partner to own, followed ­– surprisingly – by birds (21%)
  • Singles with rescue pets are more desirable than those who buy pets through breeders or pet shops.

Research methodology

Unless otherwise stated, the new research was conducted by Pure Profile on behalf of Soda Communications in April 2022, among a nationally representative sample of 2000 AUS adults (18+).

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About eharmony.com.au

eharmony launched in 2000 with a clear vision: to create more lasting love in the world. The experts at eharmony use an intelligent Compatibility Matching System (CMS) to match singles, according to 32 bespoke dimensions of compatibility. These are powerful indicators of relationship satisfaction. On average, every 14 minutes someone finds love on eharmony.
