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How You Can Help Your Community This Winter

How You Can Help Your Community This Winter | Evrima Australian Clinical Trials
Volunteers are invited to participate in national research studies.

Evrima is an Australian-based digital health company that specialises in bringing trials to patients, GPs and connecting world-class researchers to the wider community. The name Evrima takes its roots from ancient Greek and means ‘discover’.

Volunteers over 65+ needed for clinical trials - Click here to learn more

Clinical trials are at the heart of medical advances which look into new ways to treat, prevent, or detect disease. The goal is to determine if the new treatment works and is safe. For any new treatment to become available to patients who need it, it must go through a series of clinical trials.


The general public can participate in clinical trials and do so for various reasons. Some volunteers do so to help contribute to advancing scientific research, knowing that they are participating in the hope of helping future generations. Some volunteers who have illnesses can also participate in clinical research to help develop new medicines and vaccines. There are hundreds of clinical trials happening around the country and they can take place in hospitals, universities, private clinics and dedicated medical research institutes.

How You Can Help Your Community This Winter | Evrima Australian Clinical Trials

Evrima’s vision is to change the game in clinical research to increase access, awareness, and participation. They’re striving to make a global impact on clinical trial timelines and enable the industry to advance medical research swiftly, so that new medicines and vaccines are available as quickly as possible.

Without the much needed help of volunteers in clinical trials, new therapies would not be possible. It is equally important that through technology, and an experienced, dedicated team, Evrima provides people and clinicians with information about clinical trials. Together, we can change the game in clinical trials and get new therapies to those who need them.

Evrima is currently recruiting for a number of clinical trials now open around Australia and New Zealand. There are also new trials starting every month. 

Evrima is currently recruiting for a number of clinical trials now open around Australia and New Zealand. There are also new trials starting every month.

If you’re interested in helping your community and would like to find out if you can participate in a trial, click here to see if you qualify for a study