Home Home & Gardening A Ridiculously Simple Way To Prevent Falls In The Shower

A Ridiculously Simple Way To Prevent Falls In The Shower

A Ridiculously Simple Way To Prevent Falls In The Shower

Prevent falls in the shower: ‘This little life hack could save you from injury’

It’s happened to all of us… While taking a shower, you shut your eyes briefly and suddenly lose your balance. If you’re lucky, you can catch hold of something or brace against the wall in time to prevent taking a tumble. And we all know what happens if you’re not lucky. Ouch.

(Featured Photo by Mike’s-Photography courtesy of Pixabay)

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In that situation, the culprit is your ear. When your eyes are closed, the brain is totally reliant on signals from the inner ear to determine equilibrium. Without vision, standing on a level surface provides only one point for spatial reference. So the hack is to give your inner ear another point of reference.

Place your foot at the edge of the tub, so that your toes are on the upward sloping part. You want to take advantage of that right angle, your toes contacting the more vertical part of the bathtub. It may not seem like much, but that slight upward curve will give you another aspect for determining spatial position. To your brain, this stupefyingly simple trick transforms the one-dimensional, flat tub floor into a more definable, 2D space.

This isn’t just a tip for seniors with balance problems. A variety of common afflictions can affect one’s equilibrium such as sinus congestion, migraines, anaemia, low blood sugar, etc. So, give the toe thing a try and you’ll see how it can instantly make you feel more secure.