Home Fashion & Beauty The Secret To Always Look Young

The Secret To Always Look Young

The Secret To Always Look Young

The Secret To Always Look Young: Everyone wants to look forever young. We are constantly shown skincare products that magically erase wrinkles and makeup that will hide them if you still have some left! Is this just a marketing scheme to make us feel bad about ourselves, or is there any natural way to look forever young? Though I believe part of the fear of growing old is just a ploy to make us buy more products we don’t need, we want to look young forever because young people are healthy! We all want to live a life full of abundance and health!

Featured Photo by Marcelo Matarazzo on Unsplash

What can we do to prevent ageing?

I decided to look a bit more into what makes people seem younger scientifically. As expected, the first google search provided me with countless products I could buy to take off a few years. Have warm tones in your hair, overline your lips to make them look fuller; there are tons of tips! After sorting through the products I was being sold and trying to get to the actual information, I finally found a concrete answer! Being healthy is the key to looking young. No matter how much concealer or how many warm-toned highlights you put in your hair, people know health when they see it! When we think about it, this is good news! It is a much less costly solution than going to the hair salon and buying overly priced makeup.


Be healthy | The Secret To Always Look Young

Photo by LYFE Fuel on Unsplash

What does it mean to be healthy?

I am aware that there are many ways of defining health, and not all of us are as healthy as we’d like to be. If your health is not as great as you’d like it to be (Not all of us can be Gweneth Paltrow, though we’d like to be!) — don’t fret! A simple habit that you can include in your routine is spending a bit of time exercising every day. This simple habit is science-supported to make you look younger, plus it’s good for you! It’s good for our skin, reduces stress, and even slows down cell ageing! It’s great and seems like such a simple solution in theory, but I know it is so much harder to make exercise a daily habit.

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Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

It’s a challenge

For challenges like this, I like to accept that it’s a challenge. What does this mean? Well, I tell myself that it’s not an easy thing to do! I feel that many times on social media, even on Medium, people don’t like to tell the whole story of how hard it is to make something into a habit. So, the first thing I do is acknowledge that it might be difficult. I prepare myself mentally to realise that it’s normal when a day comes when I don’t want to work out. I usually like to do 21-day challenges because this is how long it takes to build a habit. After completing the same task for 21 days, I don’t want to give up anymore! There’s a lot of work and progress I can make in 21 days. There’s no way I’m stopping after that. I genuinely believe that building healthy habits is one of the best ways to live a balanced and happy life.

A person smiling outside Description automatically generated with low confidence

Photo by Jamie Brown on Unsplash

Take care of your energy too.

Another thing you can do to stay forever young? Embrace yourself. Like the person you are! Feel free in your looks, body, and personality! Put on your favourite uplifting song and dance around your house! Take an hour to create like you once did as a kid. Get some old paint out of the arts and crafts drawer. As adults, we are bombarded with way too many responsibilities. It can be very stressful at times (And I just recently got into this adulting thing!). Forget everything I said about daily habits every once and a while to create, play, and feel young. It doesn’t matter how many wrinkles are on your hands or face. People can feel the energy of those who have playful and youthful souls. Treat yourself to letting your inner child and creativity be free for a bit!

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Photo by Antonino Visalli on Unsplash

Embrace yourself

No matter what you look like, happy people are beautiful people. We want to be around people who make us smile and feel young and energised just by being around them. It’s interesting to think about why some people look more youthful than others, but the most important thing is if you like yourself or not! Ironically, the key to looking younger can sometimes be not to worry too much if you look young or not! Be silly, laugh loudly, and look even ridiculous at times! Do you have nice energy? Have you been taking care of your spirit? Don’t forget to take care of this part of yourself as well! It’s so important.