Even though going for an early morning walk each morning has many benefits, in today’s time-poor society there are more effective ways to spend your time.
(main image: Emma Simpson on Unsplash)
So What’s Better Than A Morning Walk?
It’s fine to walk, but the prime of your body for a great day can happen at any time, and preparing your mind for success in the morning is more beneficial.
Brendon Burchard’s ‘High-Performance Habits’ cites many studies that demonstrate the importance of belief systems in our lives:
When we start each day believing in ourselves, we have the power to make the right choices and succeed.
Try one of these morning rituals instead of brisk walking and save your walk for the afternoon:
Practice Gratitude
There is a reason gratitude journals have become so popular: it’s compelling. Once you start taking the time to appreciate what you’re grateful for in life fully, you’ll realize what is working for you and what isn’t and move towards improving your overall quality of life. Beginning your day in a positive manner like this sets you up for success.
You may wish to check out these five journaling ideas.
Evolve your to-do list
Ever heard of eating the frog? The idea is that you do the unpleasant thing first so that it is taken care of, then you can focus on more manageable things. That is precisely how you should manage your to-do list by taking care of the most challenging tasks first rather than putting them off.
However, for most of us a productivity workflow is more applicable as compared to following a to-do list.
To-Do Lists Will Not Work For You
They exist in a void and are ineffective. Here is a better solution for you.
Repeat your goals as a mantra & visualize achieving them
If you prefer to write it down, that’s fine, but saying your dreams out loud and visualizing their achievement is a vital part of the Law of Attraction: the idea that positivity begets positive outcomes. Famous figures such as Bruce Lee and Will Smith are known for doing this.
Drink warm water with Lemon & Honey
You don’t need that brisk morning walk after all, as this tonic will boost your metabolism AND your immune system first thing, helping you burn calories without even moving and firing up your brain too. A power smoothie intake is another useful way of revitalizing your brain and body — try it!
Get up incrementally earlier
We know how hard it can be to get out of bed in the morning and how easy it can be to hit the snooze button. Still, if you set your alarm a few minutes earlier each morning, you’ll soon find yourself rising early with no problem at all.
How To Manage Your Morning Routine: 3 Useful Hacks
Here are a few tips to help you manage your mornings.
Listen to uplifting music
Music, especially classical music, has a well-known positive effect on your mood and a whole host of other benefits such as improving your memory and lowering your blood pressure.