Success myths is everywhere you look. Twitter, Linkedin, whatever. Influencers and your auntie Karen all feast on the notification orgy that comes with sharing success stories. I’ve done it. You probably have too. Humans love gratification, and that’s okay.
The problem arises when you begin following these success stories like guides.
I’m not saying everyone should shut up and stop posting their achievements, but it becomes redundant when people repeatedly post the same stories. I’ll explain what I mean shortly.
If anything, you should use these stories for inspiration, nothing else. Success stories often trigger negative self-reflection, as you wonder, “If they can do it, why can’t I? Where am I going wrong?”
First, we need to evaluate why people post these stories and how you can turn them into something positive for you.
The Next Time I See a “How to Make $100 on ____” I’m Going To Flip
There are two types of people who post these articles.
Firstly, you’ve got the genuinely successful person who is likely inundated with questions from beginners.
Secondly, there are the impostors. These people with 23 followers publish articles like “How to Go from 0 to 1000 Followers.”
When you see these types of headlines, always check the writer’s profile first. A successful writer likely doesn’t want to write those types of pieces but doesn’t want to reply to dozens of the same email. Plus, they can make a bit of money in the process. However, most of the time, these types of articles are written by people who don’t care how you make the $100; they just know those headlines will get clicks.
Success porn works both ways. Some writers will see these articles as a stepping stone to success for themselves, so they’ll essentially trick you into taking their advice. Make sure the steps you’re following to success are genuine, but even then, it might not work.
Your Journey Is Different to Everyone Else’s
Now you understand that a lot of success porn isn’t genuine (most of it is money-grabbing), you can understand why most of it is useless beyond the point of inspiration.
The thing is, what works for others might not work for you. There’s a high chance it won’t at all. For example, Dwayne Johnson regularly updates fans on his exercise regimen. He’ll let Instagram know he’s up at 4 am doing cardio or perhaps putting in a midnight weightlifting shift. Good for him, but there’s no telling it won’t work for most.
It’s why you should take every success story you see with a pinch of salt. Fitness pages, in particular, use these as their primary selling point. It’s clever — the companies understand how people latch on to a relatable story and use photos to show how “this could be you.”
Everyone is different. For starters, you don’t need to get up at 6 am to be successful. Your circadian rhythm is likely different from the latest success pornographer you’ve read, so if sleeping in until 9 am works for you, don’t feel bad. Close the curtains, wrap yourself up like a burrito, and charge your batteries.
Success Stories Should Be Inspiration, Not Guides
I’ve mentioned this, but I feel like it’s worth discussing in more depth.
Whenever I read a genuine success story, it’s hard not to get sucked in. I see how well someone has done and start to live my life in their story.
Inspiration has its place. The best way to get motivated is to start working, as it’ll quickly snowball into a task-completing mania. However, sometimes, it’s difficult to begin in the first place. Sometimes, I need a piece of inspiration to kick some life into my day and realise that yes, I do have to work to get what I want.
That’s about as far as a success story should travel in your brain. Sure, if someone lays out actionable steps that you know will help, then listen. But that’s entirely different. Guides are there to help, success stories are there to inspire (or just make the writer some money). Knowing the difference will save you so much time.
There Will Always Be Someone Better
Lastly, I wanted to leave you with this. It may sound miserable, but there will always be someone better than you. For example, if you’re at the gym and see someone with a physique you want, there’s a high chance someone thinks the same about you.
The same applies to the success story you’re trying to emulate. The best kind of success porn lies in the comments section of deep focus music on Youtube, like this one from Rahul Sharma:
“I have final exams tomorrow for medical, if I fail this, 8 years of my life will have gone to waste This is the last thing I’m depending on to stay on track.
edit: I did it boys, I passed with 98%. thank you so much.”
Doesn’t that warm your heart? A slice of success for a heap of inspiration.
Overall, my point is simple. Your path is your own. Sure, other people’s stories might help you along the way, but they’re never going to properly see things from your perspective.