Let’s face it there are some harsh realities to be considered before you retire, comfortable that the decision is the correct one for us at that time. We may be ‘Born Free’, but can we retire in freedom and security too?
In the 1966 movie Born Free, Elsa, the lioness, comes into this world with no concept of the dangers and expectations that await her throughout her life.
She is like us.
When we are born, we have no understanding of life’s trials and tribulations. We are content to breathe, eat, sleep, and grow!
But we soon discover that this type of security is fleeting. We are quickly thrown into life, and inundated with the task of learning and doing new things: walking, talking, laughing, crying, and recognizing people, etc.
This is just the beginning!
For poor Elsa, it isn’t long before she has to learn how to defend herself against poachers.
Similarly, we humans have reality thrust upon us quickly. We soon find ourselves riding the school bus, shaping our future through education, and trying to get ready for what lies ahead.
We all have different experiences through the course of our lives, good and bad, that make us who we are today. And as we finally get to retirement age, we reflect on what we have achieved in our lives and perhaps what we could have done better.
But most of all, we want to be free and secure again, kind of like we were when we were born. Is that even possible?
Great expectations in retirement
The expectations of retiring are high. We look forward to being free of the pressure from:
- Toxic work environments and bad bosses
- Waking up at unearthly hours to rush to our jobs.
- Rush hour traffic
- Coping with home chores within the little time you have after work.
- The demands of young children. At retirement, hopefully, the children have their own lives.
For many, we expect retirement to be blissful. But the chances of having a stress-free life are sometimes marred by unpredicted hiccups.
These are just a few of the “obstacles” that could hit you in the eye. In order not to be disappointed at this late stage in life, we all need to try and eliminate any hurdles before retirement.
Five harsh realities to consider before you retire
1. Did you plan for retirement free of financial burdens?
A lack of retirement savings might mean you need to scale back your lifestyle or downsize your home.
Just when you thought you would be able to enjoy this stage of your life, you find yourself needing to take a part-time job if you are physically able to.
Before you retire:
Do a pre-retirement check.
Figure out when you want to retire.
Understand how much you need to retire.
Know what benefits you’ll get.
Uncover how much extra you need to save.
Discover the best accounts to use.
Stick to your plan.
Prepare for the transition.
2. Did you exercise and follow a healthy diet during your pre-retirement days?
Without proper care for your body, your retirement can be marred by obesity, tooth decay, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and stroke, type-2 diabetes, osteoporis, and even cancer. These are the health challenges we face as we get older if we’re not careful!
3. Are your children established and not back home unable to make ends meet?
This could certainly put a strain on your life. You will be on a pension and so it won’t be easy to support adult children.
4. Are you dependent on alcohol, smoking, and/or drugs?
In retirement, dependency on these types of things puts you at higher risk for:
Unintentional injuries (e.g., motor vehicle accidents, falls)
Violence (e.g., homicide, suicide)
Liver /lung disease
Diseases of the central nervous system (e.g., stroke, dementia)
Heart diseases
Various cancers (e.g., breast, colorectal, and liver)
5. Can we ‘live free’ in retirement?
Yes, we can! Unlike Elsa the Lioness, who pretty much eats what is available in the wild, we have so many options to choose from.
Yes, we can make wise choices and teach our children and grandchildren by example.
I choose to live stress-free and happy.
And I want you to be happy too! After all, you only have one life to live. (At least, that’s what I hear!)
I hope anyone planning to retire will be aware of the ramifications of not picturing the future.