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Hydrogen Can Halt The Charge To Electric Powered Cars

The problem with trying to sort out the environment is that politicians want flattering headlines now, not praise in the history books. So, they...

Everything You Need To Know About Lithium-Ion Batteries – But Which...

It’s become part of everyday life. “Most of us plug in our laptops or phones to recharge at night without really thinking about it,”...

E-Tags Enable You To Find Your Luggage When Your Airline Can’t....

Back in the day when the Concorde was bright and shiny new, its attributes were touted all over London in the form of very...

Australian Tech To Solve Fashion World’s Dirty Secret

It’s the dirty secret the world’s fashion industry doesn’t want known: a third of all clothing created each year goes to landfill unsold*. Heavens, we...

What Is Your Digital Health? 10 Simple Steps To A Healthier...

You've worked on your physical health and your mental health, now it's time to focus on your digital health too. After 18 months of...

How Working From Home Has Changed Employees

When we finally go back to work, bosses will find a real change. Employees are now used to far greater independence, and they may...

How to Minimise Your Use Of Technology Out Of Hours

How often do you find yourself distracted by Facebook or WhatsApp while trying to complete an important task? Productivity is impaired by our inability to...

The iPhone 13 is here. But Do You Need It?

The iPhone 13 has arrived, but do you need it. It is clearly an improvement on iPhone 12 and the four variants offer amazing...

Getting Started With The Internet

Without doubt everybody; well pretty well everybody, has heard of the internet. But in case you are the one person that hasn’t, we thought...

CYBER CRIME IS A REALITY: It is here, right now, and...

Cybercrime is not something that is just happening to the other guy; it is a real and present danger to us all, right here,...
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