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Tag: Pet Health

Foods You Didn’t Know Could Kill Your Pooch

Our team went searching for a compiled list of foods that could be potentially harmful to your dog. So here's our list of foods...

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

Many dogs like to eat grass from time to time. Here’s when it’s cause for concern. A natural instinct We’ve all seen how livestock, including cows,...

How To Clean Your Dog’s Teeth

The importance of teeth cleaning for your dog Good dental hygiene for dogs goes beyond improving pungent breath. About 80 percent of dogs develop dental...

Some Harmful Things You Do To Your Dog Without Realising It

If you are a dog owner, you surely want your pooch to be healthy and live a long and happy life. But you might...

Some Crucial Mistakes That Shorten Your Pet’s Life

Crucial mistakes every pet owner should avoid doing. Our pets are our babies, we pamper them, spoil them, and would even stay at home and...

What To Do For Your New Puddy Tat

Congratulations on the recent addition to your home! Now that you have a young kitten to care for there are several things you will...

The Best Ways To Keep Your Pet Happy And Healthy

The best ways to keep your pet happy and healthy: From proper nutrition and preventative medications to grooming and mental stimulation, these tips will...

How to Give Your Dog or Cat a Pill

How to give your dog or cat a pill: It’s not uncommon for pets to be reluctant to take a pill. Just imagine how...
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