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Is Strata Living the Retirement Nightmare You Never Saw Coming?

For many over-50s, the idea of purchasing into a Strata Scheme sounds perfect. Shared responsibilities, maintained common areas, and a sense of community—it all...

Make No Mistake Youth Crime Is Seriously Out Of Control

It seems to me that every time you pick up the paper or turn on the television there is another heinous crime against our...

When Will Corporations Stop Interfering In Social And Political Matters

And Get Back Doing Their Real Job —Marketing Their Goods And Services To Their Customers. You have to go back a long time historically to...

Sticks And Stones

Are you like me, heartily sick and tired of those in our community who seek actively to be offended by every little thing that...

Australia Day – Many Reasons To Celebrate

I don’t know about you, but I am heartily sick and tired of the all too vocal minorities screaming from their soap boxes that...

NYE Fireworks Broadcast, How Sad – Sack The ABC Board. Sack...

If ever there was more evidence needed to take to the ABC with a financial blow torch, then they themselves stoked the fumes of...

Australia’s The Nuclear Farce

‘Riddle me this Batman’ (the Riddler) the famous question was often asked in the farce 1960’s TV Show Batman. But here in Australia in...

The Joy Of Grandparenting, But How Do You Best Entertain Your...

I saw it with my mother, with my sisters’ children. She was through them transported to a new generation. She was enriched and engulfed...

What I’ve Learned At 65

With age comes wisdom… sort of; here are just a few of the things I’ve learned since turning 65. I miss my old job like...

Being An Independent Woman in the Senior Years

Just because you get older doesn’t mean necessarily mean losing your independence... I have long admired my cousin. She is a beautiful, independent woman who...
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