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Tag: mental strength

Play Word Games For Better Brain Health

Your daily crossword could help you think better for longer. Answer for 1 across: Brain; Answer for 2 down: Nervous; Answer for 3 across: System. Filling out crossword...

Train With Me And You’ll Become Mentally Tough Too

When you think about it, we humans are pretty well designed. Sitting right on top of everything is our control centre, commonly known as...

An 80-Year Harvard Study Reveals the Secret to Long-Term Happiness

The secret to long-term happiness - It isn’t money, success, fame, or following your passion: For over 80 years, Harvard’s Grant and Glueck study has tracked...

“I CHOOSE HAPPINESS”: Peter Chambers’ MND (Motor Neurone Disease) Journey

"Peter suffers from Motor Neurone Disease (MND). It is an uncommon condition that affects the nerves. It causes weakness that gets worse over time." I...

Mental Stimulation Done Differently; Challenge Your Brain With ‘Fit Minds’

The brain is the chief in command when it comes to everything we do. It works in such a way that when we exercise...

8 Little Acts of Domestic Anarchy

Little acts of domestic anarchy: Don’t let retirement become banal. The year 2021 brought many challenges. For those who have retired, it threw them into...
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