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The Race That Stops The Nation. The Melbourne Cup – A...

On 7 November 1861 about 4,000 people gathered at Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne to watch a horserace that would become one of Australia’s most...

For My Whole Life Be It Long Or Short Will Be...

This morning when I woke, I turned on the radio and a great sadness enveloped me it was – far more intense, perhaps, than...

How America’s Gilded Age Paved The Way For Fashion Today

Consider the word “hype”, as it is used today. When Kim Kardashian entered the 2021 Met Gala, covered head-to-toe in black Balenciaga, there was a...

At The Bottom Of An Icy Sea, One Of History’s Great...

Explorers and researchers, battling freezing temperatures, have located Endurance, Ernest Shackleton’s ship that sank in the Antarctic in 1915. The wreck of Endurance has been...

Historical Lies Most People Believe Are True

During our lives we collectively learn the important history of our cultures and our pasts that we carry with us as truth. However, not...
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