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What Happens in Your Body When You Quit Drinking?

What would your body do if it could heal from poison? Depending on how much alcohol your body is used to filtering, abstaining can...

I Walked 10,000 Steps a Day for 30 Days and This...

I started walking 10,000 steps a day and it had two benefits, one expected and the other not. Why 10,000 steps anyway? Let’s start by...

Don’t Get Bogged Down By “Unglamorous” Digestive Issues

One of the less talked-about by-products (or, should we say, waste products) of lockdown life is the rather unglamorous topic of digestive issues: abdominal...

Middle Aged Women And Body Image

How Does This Affect Women? In general, body image and eating issues are perceived to be the preserve of younger women; however, recent research suggests...

How the Delta Variant Symptoms Differ From Other COVID-19 Strains

Coronaviruses contain multitudes. Terrible multitudes, but multitudes, nonetheless. They can cause everything from the usually-benign common cold to far more serious respiratory conditions such as...

Coping With The Lockdown

It is impossible not to feel angry, disappointed, and a sense let down with the news that greater Sydney is now forced into a...

Vitamin D and COVID-19: Why The Controversy?

“To help retain the peak of sunny summer health—to help maintain rugged resistance to winter colds and sickness—drink Schlitz , with Sunshine Vitamin D”,...
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