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Tag: Health Benefits

Forget Your Morning Walk: Do This Instead

Even though going for an early morning walk each morning has many benefits, in today’s time-poor society there are more effective ways to spend...

Drink This and Add Years to Your Life

The secret ingredient well-known by the Ancient American Civilizations If I were to tell you there is one secret ingredient that can add years to...

Taken Early, Aspirin Might Offer Protection Against Covid-19

Experts say low-dose aspirin might be an underutilized weapon in our battle with the coronavirus During the first months of the pandemic, back when vaccines...

A Recent Study Has Revealed the Long-Term Impact of Drinking Coffee...

Here’s what happens when you drink coffee regularly. A recent study has revealed how the amount of coffee we drink each day impacts our risk of...

Vitamin D and COVID-19: What Doctors Know (and Don’t Know) So...

In the early days of the pandemic, when health care workers were struggling to treat patients who poured into emergency rooms sick with COVID-19,...

Vitamin D and COVID-19: Why The Controversy?

“To help retain the peak of sunny summer health—to help maintain rugged resistance to winter colds and sickness—drink Schlitz , with Sunshine Vitamin D”,...
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