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Tag: Exercise

How To Kickstart Your Fitness In The New Year

If you’re over 60, regular exercise is crucial in maintaining your health and independence and ensuring you have the energy to do more of what...

6 Pool Noodle Exercises For Toning Trouble Spots Summer Workouts Without...

Ready or not, summer is here and that means swimsuits, shorts and sleeveless tops. For a cool, sweat-proof way to target those trouble spots, try...

Study Confirms Golf’s Huge Benefits

An international research study backed by The R&A has found new evidence to suggest golf can provide significant health benefits to older participants in...

No Time To Exercise? Just 5 Minutes Still Has A Big...

Amping up the intensity of everyday activities — like charging up the stairs or carrying heavy groceries — can lower the risk of cancer...

Over 50? Try These 4 Gentle Mobility Exercises, Says Trainer

Just five minutes a day of these mobility exercises could mean years of healthier movement (and lower risk of pain) The importance of mobility You love...

The Best Way to Lose Body Fat Without Exercising

And how to work it into your busy schedule. When it comes to fat loss, everyone focuses on nutrition and exercise. And yes, they’re critical....

If You Really Want To Look & Feel Younger…

“Pills, Creams And Surgeons Are OK For Some People. But If You Really Want To Look & Feel Younger, Strength Training Exercises Are The...

Are You Fit Enough To Survive A Serious Operation? Exercise Really...

“One thing’s for certain in life …. we’re all getting older, Nothing, we can do about that.” says Grant ‘Bomber’ Barker. “What we can...

Three Surprising Benefits of Walking

What’s not to like about taking a stroll? But don’t be fooled: This simple approach to physical activity is good for you in so...

10 Easy Tips On How To Shrink Your Waist And Live...

Your waistline is a key indicator of your health. Carrying too much fat around your middle not only makes your jeans hard to do...
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