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Tag: Dogs

10 Facts About Dogs That Will Change The Way You See...

You know that dogs are amazing—but did you also know how fascinating they are? These facts about dogs will give you a new appreciation...

Vets Share Their 5 Best Tips For Safer Dog Walks –...

New research says more than 20,000 people each year seek treatment for dog walking injuries. To keep both you and your four-legged companion safe,...

Foods You Didn’t Know Could Kill Your Pooch

Our team went searching for a compiled list of foods that could be potentially harmful to your dog. So here's our list of foods...

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

Many dogs like to eat grass from time to time. Here’s when it’s cause for concern. A natural instinct We’ve all seen how livestock, including cows,...

8 Things We Do That Really Confuse Our Dogs

Dog behaviour is extraordinarily flexible – this is why we can keep them in our homes and take them to cafes with us at...

The Benefits of Pets To Our Health. The Companion Friend

Benefits of pets to our health: I once knew a chartered accountant who worked in the insolvency area. He was in the business of...

10 Sure Signs Your Dog Is Secretly Unhappy With You

No, they won't slam doors or yell at you, but there are definite indicators that your pooch is angry with you. Read on to...

Fur Real: New Research Suggests It’s Pets Before Partners

New research commissioned by dating app eharmony has revealed the vital role pets play in romantic partnerships. They are not just winners on dating...

The 10 Easiest Ways To Get Rid Of Pet Odours

Pee-uw! Sometimes your beloved cat or dog really stinks up the house, but there are a few easy ways to eliminate even the most...

The 10 Best Apartment Dogs

Man’s best friend has many well documented health benefits. Whether you're in a cramped high-rise condo or a teeny-tiny bungalow, these easy-going breeds will...
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