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Tag: Dog Education

10 Facts About Dogs That Will Change The Way You See...

You know that dogs are amazing—but did you also know how fascinating they are? These facts about dogs will give you a new appreciation...

Vets Share Their 5 Best Tips For Safer Dog Walks –...

New research says more than 20,000 people each year seek treatment for dog walking injuries. To keep both you and your four-legged companion safe,...

Foods You Didn’t Know Could Kill Your Pooch

Our team went searching for a compiled list of foods that could be potentially harmful to your dog. So here's our list of foods...

How To Love A Pooch, And Not Own It Too?

Do you love the company of a pooch, but just can’t have one full time? Love and miss the companionship, but you have a...

The Best Dogs For Older Folk

Dogs Help Keep People Healthy And Provide Companionship, Which Is A Boon For All, But Especially The Older Generation. Find Out The Best Dogs...

How To Train Your Dog Not To Bark

My dogs are barkers. They’ve declared themselves neighbourhood patrol, so they bark when other dogs start barking, when they hear people outside chatting or...

How To Understand What Your New Puppy Is Telling You

With my sister and her family welcoming a new puppy to their family I thought that this would be a good time to have...
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