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Tag: Covid 19

Masks Rules On Flights: The Wrong Type Of Mask Could See...

Make sure you have the right type of mask for your flight. Photo: iStock "You can't board the flight with those masks". That's what an...

Australia’s International Travel Ban To Be Scrapped From November 1st

Australia's international travel ban will be scrapped from November 1, 2021, as New South Wales reopens to quarantine-free overseas travel for the fully vaccinated. Prime...

Digital Border Pass To Get Vax’d Australians Flying Overseas Again

Australia will roll out a 'digital border pass' as international travel resumes, to replace both the physical Incoming Passenger Card and the digital Covid-19...

How Does Australia’s New Digital Vaccination Certificate Work?

With More than 9million Australians have received two doses of vaccine how does the new Digital Vaccination Certificate actually work? People who have received...

Researchers Infect Volunteers With Covid-19

So-called challenge trials have long been used to study infections, but so far only the U.K. is doing them for Covid-19. LONDON—Much of the world...

Can My Boss Force Me To Get The Covid-19 Vaccine?

As Australia national vaccination program is well underway – aiming for a 95% uptake rate – big questions remain for employers and employees. Employers have...

‘My Rights’: Protesting In A Pandemic

As NSW navigates its third wave of COVID-19, a few elements of this unprecedented pandemic are becoming easier to predict. One is that lockdowns are...

Could The Covid Vaccine (And Others) Prevent Alzheimer’s?

There’s growing evidence that inoculation confers significant protective benefits. Covid vaccines enormously reduce the risk of death and hospitalisation in those who have been...

The Other Dark Toll Of Covid-19 & Lockdown

The recent death of former teen TV heartthrob Dieter Brummer at age 45 has struck a deep chord with many Australians. The one-time actor, who...

What Our Future Leaders Must Learn From The Mistakes Of Our...

The world is very different today — and not just because of the coronavirus. Events seem to turn it more quickly: Viruses become pandemics...
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