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Tag: Comfort Food

How to Make Pork Chops – Just Like Dad Used To...

We never spoke much during these meals. It was in these silences that we found a different kind of connection; each bite a reminder...

An Ode To The Aussie Burger With The Lot (Plus 10...

The True Blue, Two-Handed Burger Featuring Beetroot, Pineapple And A Fried Egg Is On The Endangered List. But Is It Time It Made A...

30 Of The Best Fried Foods Around The World

People have never been able to resist the crunchy craving of deep-fried food. Archaeological evidence shows we've been enjoying fried dough and other delights since...

Home-made Snags: Give It A Go

Like most omnivores I enjoy a sausage, be it from a good butcher or, preferably, home-made. Muscle, fat, salt, a few different flavourings and...
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