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Tag: beauty tips

The Best Anti-Ageing Secrets Dermatologists Won’t Tell You For Free

We asked top skin care experts to share anti-ageing secrets they typically won't tell you for free, like how to reduce dark circles and...

Why Martha Stewart Looks So Good at 81, According To Her...

Martha Stewart is our forever goals. Why? Firstly, because she always looks as though she’s living her best life, whether she’s sipping on a...

The 11 Key Skincare Rules Dermatologists Want You To Live By

The world of skincare can feel overwhelming at times. If you’re still grappling with how to get your skincare routine right, take some advice from...

6 Easy Steps To Cheat Your Way To Sunshine Skin All...

The sun may be shining its last as we enter summer’s last gasp, but sunshine skin can be a year-round thing. Cheating your way...

The One Make-Up Trick For Younger-Looking Lips In Your 50s And...

The Secret To Youthful Lips (And It’s Not Filler) I never did lip liner. Too scarred by the ’80s incarnation of it. Those of a...

Forget ‘Empowering’ Grey, Going Back To Blonde Was Worth A Month...

Going Grey Might Be Cool, But Going Lighter With Age Makes Me Feel Younger And Happier Google blonde hair and you’ll soon discover that, according...

This Hand Cream Is Our Latest Beauty Obsession

Step aside retinol serums, beauty has a new MVP and it has nothing to do with your face. If you had asked us to predict...

Brooke Shields’ Favourite New Beauty Secret

I had a remarkable frank interview with Brooke Shields where she said: “I learned after my recent debilitating femur injury. That evidently I needed...

A Guide to Ageless Makeup for Women Over 50, According to...

In her 73 years, Sandy Linter has lived many lives as a makeup artist. In 1969, the Brooklyn-born, Staten Island–bred visionary began her career working for famed...

How To Make Your Hair Grow Faster, Longer And Stronger

Are you longing for long hair but impatient to wait? In this article we investigated the latest discoveries that allow your hair to grow at...
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