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Tag: Automotive

The Truth About Electric Car Range Revealed: How Far An EV...

The official figures don’t tell the whole story, as with petrol and diesel cars – here’s what you can expect on the road from...

BMW M4: I’m not going to mess about here, this is...

As I drove to see friends in a nearby village the other morning, all seemed to be well. The sky was blue, snowdrops were...

When It Comes To Camper Vans and RVs, Mercedes-Benz Proves Bigger...

Perhaps we all have a nomad gene buried somewhere deep inside of us, since I can't imagine anyone not liking the idea of a...

Doing it in style: Cornwall in a Bentley Continental

Like most sane people in the UK, I decided not to bother with a foreign holiday this year because I figured it would be...
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