Home Authors Posts by Mike Canavan

Mike Canavan

Mike Canavan

Poor Joe – What Won’t He Do For A Vote?

Just when you thought you had heard everything, in a ‘welcome to absurdity moment’, we find that Joe is trawling the Celebrity market to...

Five Vaping Facts You Need To Know

There is currently a great brouhaha building at both state and federal level over Vaping. Short of each and every one of the government’s...

We’re No Longer Rolling In Clover

Clover Moore has been Lord Mayor of the City of Sydney since 2004. This makes her the longest serving Lord Mayor since the City...

Dementia Is Now Our Biggest Fear, But Let’s Not Panic Just...

What can we do to stave dementia off? In recent months I have articles I have written extensively about Dementia and some of the underlying...

Big Corporations Should Stick To Their Core Business, And Stay Out...

I don’t know about you, but I am heartily sick and tired of meddling corporate boards dipping their unwanted ores in the water, endeavouring...

Australia Day – Many Reasons To Celebrate

I don’t know about you, but I am heartily sick and tired of the all too vocal minorities screaming from their soap boxes that...

NYE Fireworks Broadcast, How Sad – Sack The ABC Board. Sack...

If ever there was more evidence needed to take to the ABC with a financial blow torch, then they themselves stoked the fumes of...

Australia’s The Nuclear Farce

‘Riddle me this Batman’ (the Riddler) the famous question was often asked in the farce 1960’s TV Show Batman. But here in Australia in...

The 82% Hoax: A Pipe Dream At Best

Surely it is apparent to anyone who realistically looks at our political master’s wish list, that an 82% renewable energy target by 2030 is...

Has Cancel Culture Finally Run Its Race

I Was Drawn To The Question: Has Cancel Culture Finally Run Its Race... I wonder if you too are sick to death of B grade...
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