My father has always had a great love of classical music. Some of my fondest memories as a child, was sitting with him, listening to his favourites. Tchaikovsky, Liszt, Dvořák’s, Mozart, Chopin, and Wagner were staples of our daily classical diet. He was a member of a record club who used to mail a vinyl monthly to home on a trial basis. If you didn’t like it, you could send it back, but that of course never happened.
The world’s greatest labels including Deutsche Grammophon, Decca Records, Blue Note, Verve, ECM and Eloquence all became part of the pantheon of our home music library. From Tchaikovsky’s Violin op 35 through to Dvořák’s New World Symphony Number Nine, our home was awash with beautiful music.
But sadly, that appeared to be from a bygone era, with the disappearance of classical music retailers continuing in Australia.
Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto op 35
However, I was therefore delighted to learn recently of Classics Direct, it is a site for music lovers just like me. The shimmer of a CD as it catches the sunlight or the flipping of pages through the liner notes of an LP, there’s nothing better than holding a collection filled with the greats in the palm of your hands.
Dvořák’s new world Symphony Number Nine
Classics Direct specialises in classical & jazz, bringing the music direct to you. Their range includes CD’s, DVD’s, Box Sets, Vinyl & Merchandise from your favourite artists and the most beloved musicians.
Liszt: Les Préludes / Thielemann · Berliner Philharmoniker
Whether you’d like to shop by your favourite artist or by your preferred genre, Classics Direct makes it easy for you to find what you’re looking for.
Sign up to their mailing list to stay up to date with all things classical and jazz, be the first to know about special & limited-edition products and get access to exclusive offers.
I urge you to explore their site today – www.classicsdirect.com.au
You won’t regret it!