Once upon a time I lived in Hong Kong. A friend of mine, who resided in the mid-levels and performed autopsies for a living informed me over dinner one evening that she could tell within seconds if a deceased person was a local or a visitor. The walls of the local’s lungs would invariably be black. And Hong Kong isn’t even on the top 50 list of the most polluted cities in Asia.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that globally 4.2 million die prematurely every year from outdoor air pollution and 3.8 million die from indoor air pollution. It is also a major environmental driver associated with a multitude of diseases such as asthma, lung cancer, and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s which, as you are probably aware, affect a high proportion a lot of us 50+’s.
Add a virus to an already unhealthy air supply and watch what happens.
The first known infections from SARS-CoV-2 were discovered in Wuhan, China. The original source of viral transmission to humans remains unclear.
The official names Covid-19 and SARS-CoV-2 were first issued by the World Health organisation on the 11th February, 2020.
What followed, mostly instigated by panicked and ill prepared governments, can best be described as confusion and fear.

Suzanna Martanti told her 10,000 Instagram followers, “We went from extreme lockdown to extremely loosened rules which also created confusion.” It was a common story across Australia, exacerbated by the fact that different states had different rules. Family, friends, and business colleagues were separated for unbearable lengths of time for sometimes poorly defined or politically motivated reasons.
Get used to it. We’re living in a Pandemic World, for who knows how long?
As recently as the14th July, 2022, 9news.com.au reported “The number of Australians sick in hospital with COVID-19 is rising fast, while a survey has indicated a new willingness from people to accept higher coronavirus fatalities.”

As if Covid-19 pandemic wasn’t bad enough, this year 2022 has seen a spike in a new flu epidemic. Year to date there have been 212,573 cases reported.
Influenza, or ‘the flu’, is a highly contagious respiratory illness. It’s a common cause of hospitalisation and leads to tens of thousands more GP visits every year. Many people die annually from complications of the flu in Australia.

While you can catch the flu at any time, it’s more likely to happen in the colder months of the year (April to October). The flu season typically peaks in August, but laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza have been higher than usual so far this year.
We have an obligation to protect our loved ones, especially our older loved ones and our children and godchildren.
50+’s are particularly vulnerable to infections from airborne bugs.
During the course of our lives, our bodies are constantly bombarded by pathogens, the fungi, mould, bacteria, viruses and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can make us sick. The human body provides a nice warm environment with plenty of nutrients where these organisms can live and flourish. Which is why we have immune systems.
Unfortunately, as we age, the ability of our immune systems to protect us, naturally declines. They can’t for example, recognise the presence of pathogens as well as they used to, and therefore are slower to muster defenses.
What can you do?
You can socially distance all you want. You can wash your hands 20 times a day. You can stay in. You can get vaccinated. But you still have to breathe.
What you should be breathing is Pristine Air.
We need to protect ourselves and our loved ones. Pristine Air Solutions (PAS) Pty Ltd is the sole distributor in Australia and New Zealand of AIROCIDE® Photocatalytic Oxidation Technology (PTO).
This new technology can help protect the health and thus life-styles of all of us but especially the health and life styles of 50+’s.
Airocide® Bioconversion Units remove 99.99% of airborne pathogens as the air passes through the unit. The airborne pathogens include fungus, mould, bacteria, viruses, mycotoxins, viruses, antibiotic, and biocide resistant “super-bugs” and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
Laboratory Testing at the Institute Pasteur de Lille confirms the Airocide® Bioconversion Units destroy the Covid19 virus and therefore helps prevent infection. This was no surprise to the Airocide® team as the Airocide® Bioconversion Units destroy all airborne viruses.
The Units remove all Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) gases emitted from household items such as aerosol sprays, cleaners, disinfectants, hobby supplies, dry-cleaned clothes, building materials, paints, thinners, pesticides, air fresheners, ethylene, and various aldehydes. These VOCs are emitted continually from carpets, furnishings, paint and all
electrical devices including computers, screens, printers, heaters and refrigerators to name but a few sources of VOCs within your home.
Smoke and odours from our greatly increasing bush fires as well as mould from the constant rain and flooding is eliminated by the Units. Imagine your relief when opening your wardrobe door to not see mould on your clothes and footwear!
There are two Airocide® Bioconversion Units suitable for your home, office, or smaller commercial space, namely the APS 200 PM 2.5 and the APS 300.
These Airocide® APS series units are portable, small, sleek, and very effective in purifying indoor air.
The APS 200 PM 2.5 has been recognised with a Gold Edison Award™ for human-centered design and innovation. This unit is the perfect air purifier for those plagued by wildfire smoke or urban pollution which in addition to the NASA developed Airocide® Photocatalytic Oxidation Technology which eliminates Odours,Viruses, Volatile Organic Compounds, Bacteria and Mould, it has two advance filters in the cartridge, which remove fine particulate from the air caused by bush fires, dust storms and extreme pollution.

The Airocide® APS-300 is a completely unique product, unlike anything else in the marketplace. It is a true filterless air purifier using the NASA developed Airocide® Photocatalytic Oxidation Technology to eliminate Viruses, Volatile Organic Compounds, Bacteria, Mould, Smoke and all Odours from the air.
Both the APS-200 PM2.5 and the APS300 are perfect for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers and those with other sensitivities.
Airocide® Bioconversion Units do not use filters instead using NASA developed Photocatalytic Oxidisation Technology to destroys 99.99997% of airborne pathogens regardless of their size, producing pure clean air while leaving no harmful biproducts – only minute traces of carbon dioxide and water vapour. There are no contaminated filters in the units that need to be carefully removed and disposed of. (The APS-200 PM 2.5 is the only unit utilising a filter combined with the Airocide® PCO Technology.)
Airocide® offers you air purification that actually works. Proof of its effectiveness has been validated by many peer-reviewed clinical studies, independent laboratory tests and some of the toughest real-world environments such as childcare and prison facilities, hospital operating rooms, clinics, dental offices, and other medical facilities in the Americas. Europe and the Middle East.

How Did This Photocatalytic Oxidisation (PCO) Technology Come About?
Necessity was the mother of this invention.
To help keep the diet of the Astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) as healthy as possible, they grew fresh vegetables in a grow room. To effectively achieve this NASA developed PCO Technology to remove the ethylene in the grow room of the ISS. Ethylene is a natural occurring hormone emitted by plants to ripen their fruit. However, in the plant room another plant in close proximity might have its fruit ripened prematurely.
Another problem encountered on the International Space Station (ISS) was the buildup of bacteria causing mould and malodourous air. The bacteria emanated from the skin and orifices of the astronauts. However, after the installation of the PCO Unit in the grow room it was discovered that there was no longer malodorous air in the grow room. The PCO units were installed throughout the rest of the
International Space Station to protect the Astronaut’s health. This NASA developed PCO Technology used to protect the Astronauts on the International Space Station is that used by Airocide® to help protect you and your loved ones here on earth.
After 9/11 President George W Bush engaged NASA to find a way to clear a subway after a possible subway terrorist attack using anthrax, or other extremely toxic gases.
NASA, after much consideration and testing found that the PCO Technology developed for the International Space Station killed, not only all bacteria, including Anthrax, but also all viruses, VOCs and fungi. This PCO Technology was what was recommended by NASA to President Bush as the best technology to address his concerns of a subway terrorist attack.
As a result of the extensive testing of the NASA developed PCO Technology, Airocide® Bionconversion units are now deployed in hospitals including Contagious Disease Wards, Operating Theatres, Pre Op, Post Op and Intensive Care Units.
The Airocide® Units are also used in cool rooms to substantially extend the shelf life of fresh fruit, vegetables, seafood, poultry, meat and flowers . The shelf life is usually doubled. This is achieved by eliminating ethylene and preventing cross contamination by mould spores and other pathogens.
Airocide® units are deployed in Wine Production Cellars, Indoor Medicinal Cannabis Grow Rooms, and household rooms to eliminate mould.
Airocide® Units are also deployed in hotels, shops, offices, gymnasiums, theatres and child-care and aged care facilities.

Houston, (or anywhere else for that matter) we don’t have a problem.
You too can enjoy the life changing benefits of this wonderful technology by installing Airocide® Bioconversion Units in your home and work place.
If you are 50+ or you have loved ones in this age group please visit their website, pristineair.com.au to find out more about the benefits of this wonderful new technology.
As the song, made famous by Louis Armstrong he sings, ‘What A Wonderful World’.
AIROCIDE® Photocatalytic Bioconversion Technology can help kept that way for you.