When you think about it, we humans are pretty well designed. Sitting right on top of everything is our control centre, commonly known as ‘The Brain’. It sends and receives chemical and electrical signals to everywhere else to get everything else to do what we want it to do. Concentrating, organising, motor planning and initiation, speaking, inhibition of behaviour and judgement to name just a few. The better condition your brain is in, the easier it can pull the strings.

“The way I train you,” explains 2 X World Champion Kick Boxer Grant (Bomber) Barker is just as good for your brain as it is for the rest of you. It’s all about having a vision. You decide on where you want to be, and I’ll help you get there. Now it can be a big vision such winning the Tour de France. But for most of you I’m guessing it’s about being fit enough to enjoy your life as it is, to the maximum. Playing tennis, fishing, getting the leaves out of the guttering yourself, knitting or hugging your grandkids for example. I plan my training sessions around you. Who you are, where you’re at and where you want to be in the future. I’m thinking that where you don’t want to be in the future is sitting on a park bench puffing your heart out wishing that you’d started training after reading this article.”

“Naturally at times your brain will tell you to give up, that you’re too old for this kind of stuff, that you’r fit enough as it is, that you don’t have the time or any one of a million other excuses. Your brain can be very inventive when it wants to be. But I’ve been doing this long enough to have heard every excuse in the book so I know how to put in place the thoughts and exercises that can neutralise them and get you thinking in the right direction.”

No surprise authorities deem exercise the #1 ‘thing’ you can do for your brain.
mayoclinichealthsystem.com states that “Changes to your body and brain are normal as you age. However, there are some things you can do to help slow any decline in memory and lower your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. Here are five things you can do in order of importance:
1. Exercise regularly.
Exercise has many known benefits, and it appears that regular physical activity benefits the brain. Multiple research studies show that people who are physically active are less likely to experience a decline in their mental function and have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
We believe these benefits are a result of increased blood flow to your brain during exercise. It also tends to counter some of the natural reduction in brain connections that occur during ageing, in effect reversing some of the problems.
The four others are:
- Get plenty of sleep.
- Eat a Mediterranean Diet
- Stay mentally active
- Remain socially involved
Exercise using something you love
Physical exercise has been shown in countless studies to help reduce stress, increase energy, improve mood, and even help make us more creative.
Great right? However, advice on how to make exercise a habit is a bit lacking. That’s because exercise can be a really difficult, habit to stick to. But if there’s one thing I’ve found really helps stick to physical exercise and make it a long-term habit it’s this: Exercise in a way that allows you to enjoy something you love.” Tips 2 to 8 are in order are Meditation, Mindful Walking, Rise Early, Adopt a night time routine, Remove sugar/add water/get food from the source, Find friends who identify with your challenges, Find a passion project or creative outlet.
Psychology today.com.au advises “the 7 Habits for a Healthy Mind in a Healthy body” are simple daily lifestyle choices:
1. Daily Physicality: Exercise for at least 20 minutes most days of the week.
The other 6 habits in order are:
- Intellectual Curiosity
- Foster Creativity
- Human Unity
- Spiritual Connectedness
- Energy Balance
- Voluntary Simplicity
“I agree with this advice up to and including point number one,” says Bomber Barker. “
You might not agree with Bomber, but these people do:
“I’ve known and been trained by Grant Bomber Barker for 12 years. I am an older man with all the limitations that age brings. Grant understood that and was able to tailor programs to suit me, as well as making it as varied as possible. He helped me lose 20kg as well as making me fitter than I had been in 30 years. I cannot recommend him highly enough ” – Rees Hughes
“I have had a number of trainers within the last few years and none have matched up to Bomber. Training with Grant has allowed me to reach my potential and see what I am made of mentally. Because of that, my fitness has escalated quickly and I am now thriving because of this” – Keira, NSW Police Officer
With exercise, life’s challenges become less daunting
A sharp mind and a fit body can work wonders.
Pretty much everything we do, we can do more easily and happily if we’re in good shape. Getting up in the morning for example, with a spring in your step and a mind clearly focussed on the day ahead will put a smile on your face. Those around you will notice your zest for life and that will put a smile on their faces too. Not only will you enjoy life more ….. because exercise is good for your body and mind, there’s a high probability there’ll be more of it.
Contact Grant Today and ask about his free, introductory (Gentle) training session.
Grant (Bomber) Barker, is Owner and Head Trainer at boutique gymnasium ‘The Bomb Shelter’ located in The Shire, Sydney, says, “You can turn yourself into a happier you with exercise. Doesn’t have to be a lot …. it just needs to be regular.”
“I’m happy for you to come into my gym, have a look around and a chat …. to see if it’s you. If you think it might be you can experience the first session for FREE.”
“At the Bomb Shelter there’s no BS. Just good old inspiring work out. That’s how you win, it’s not rocket science.”
Listen to your body, it usually has something important to say.
When it comes to getting fit, Grant (Bomber) Barker is never short of a quote.
“You should listen to your body,” he says. “It’s usually trying to tell you something important such as, you weigh too much, you drink too much, you should cook dinner yourself not get it delivered, and you should get out more.”
The internet is littered with stories about how exercise helped people resurrect their lives.
Start thinking about all the good things exercising can achieve. Your mind will thank you for it. And life …… you’ll be full of it.
Contact details:
CALL US: 0416 008 350
WEBSITE: https://www.bombsheltergym.com
*CrossFit is a lifestyle that is characterised by safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition.