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Men These Days Know More About Looking After Their Utes Than They Do About Looking After Their Own Bodies

Grant Bomber Barker | The Bomb Shelter Gym

Grant (Bomber) Barker, Owner, Head Trainer ‘The Bomb Shelter’ Gymnasium

Comparing the running of your body to running your (non-electric) car may not be as silly as it first seems.

As Grant puts it, “How well your body runs and performs, depends largely on what you put into it and equally, what you don’t put into it. Same as a car, Ute or truck.”

Both car bodies and human bodies convert chemical energy, gasoline in the case of cars and food in the case of humans, into kinetic energy i.e. movement.

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Everything your body does from thinking to running to lifting weights to walking around, requires energy. Even sitting on your arse. As you are probably acutely aware, if you don’t take yourself out for a run on a regular basis, you’ll seize up.

So, the car/human comparison is not an unreasonable one except perhaps for the bit about ‘thinking’. If your car is anything like mine, I’m sure you’ll find yourself believing from time to time that it does in fact, have a mind of its own.

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Here’s the thing.

“Like almost everything in life,” Grant explains, “Keeping your body running smoothly, minimising defects and breakdowns and optimising performance requires balance and a long-term plan. Too much exercise can be just as detrimental as too little. At my gym, ‘The Bomb Shelter’ we focus on getting your food intake in tune with your energy consumption, so all your working parts are in premium condition …. including your mental well-being. We’re not about mass production. The Bomb Shelter is a bit like that guy who is squirrelled away down a lane in the suburbs somewhere whose name is whispered when you have a tricky carburettor or a timing gear that the computer jockeys just can’t figure out …… who is really, more of an artist than a mechanic. At The Bomb Shelter we treat each client as a unique individual, just like a classic car, we listen and analyse every aspect of your well-being so when you confront life’s challenges you have plenty in the tank to go the distance.”

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Which parts of you, consume the most energy?

The rate at which your body uses food energy to sustain life and perform different activities is called the metabolic rate.

The total energy conversion rate of a person at rest is called the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Here’s where the energy goes:

Organ: BMR:

Liver/Spleen: 27%

Brain: 19%

Skeletal Muscle: 18%

Kidneys: 10%

Heart: 07%

Other : 19%

Which food types are good for what?

The good news is that unlike gasoline, the most beneficial foods are not necessarily the most expensive ones.

With the right knowledge you can select the ones that won’t clog up your pipes, flatten your battery or weaken your joints but will lighten your load, lengthen the life of your body parts, and help provide a clearer and healthier view of the road ahead. And not break the bank.

Macronutrients — Science Learning Hub

In a nutshell:

Energy: Carbohydrates provide instant energy. Fats provide stored energy

Body Building: Proteins assist growth and help repair damage

Protection: Vitamins & Minerals

“For us humans, some fuels are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

Signs You're Eating Too Many Carbs

Grant (Bomber) Barker (Again)

For example, sugar is full of Carbs, but it metabolises quickly which causes a spike in your blood sugar level and puts a strain on your pancreas. Which is not so good especially if you are exercise intolerant.

Pasta is about 80% Carbohydrates, 14% Protein and 5% Fats. But if you eat lots of it without burning it up, you’ll get fat. Maybe this has happened already.

It’s complicated. Which is why there are more diets on the market than there are food types.

Grant is a World Champion Kick Boxer and has had years of experience helping individuals get their food intake to exercise ratio just right. Rather than trying to figure it out for yourself ask him for some expert advice. In the first instance, it’s FREE.

What happens after 2 weeks no alcohol?

You wouldn’t put alcohol in your car, don’t put it in you either.

Grant is just as big an advocate of what not to put in your body as he is of what to put in. At the top of his list of No No’s is A for Alcohol. You are probably aware that it is not good for you. But you do it anyway.

We’re not going to go into the ins and outs of the evils of alcohol today. Suffice to say putting alcohol in you, even in smallish amounts, is akin to putting sugar in your petrol tank or replacing oil with ginger beer. It puts a strain on everything until inevitably, something major snaps. And you’ll give up the ghost.

Generally speaking, if you stop drinking alcohol your heart gets healthier and so might your liver. Chances are you’ll lose weight and not be so grumpy.

Your chances of getting certain types of cancer could be lower. Sex might be better. (At least you’ll remember who you had it with.) You’ll possibly sleep better and not snore so much. Your thoughts should be clearer, your blood pressure more normal and your bank balance will be a lot healthier too.

Listen to Your Body When It's Talking to You

Listen to your body

Cars try to tell you when things are not right. Often, it’s a intermittent squeak that’s just loud enough to alert you to the fact that one whirly bit is not meshing properly with another whirly bit. If you know car speak its usually saying, “The longer I go on without you doing something, the longer you’ll be off the road and the more expensive it will be, if you can actually find a replacement part.”

Same with your body. It instinctively knows when somethings is up and it will try to warn you. Those aches and pains didn’t cause themselves you know.

When it comes to your health, only you can fix it. But Grant can help.

Talk to Grant. And get it done.

CONTACT HIM ON HIS SITE: https://www.bombsheltergym.com

DISCLAIMER: Thrive50plus, nor Grant Bomber Barker is not a Doctor. This is general information only. If you should break down, sustain damage of any kind, have an accident, or experience any other kind of trauma please contact a qualified Medical Practitioner immediately.