Home Travel Bareboating: The Most Beautiful Way To See The Whitsundays

Bareboating: The Most Beautiful Way To See The Whitsundays

Bareboating: The Most Beautiful Way To See The Whitsundays | Whitsundays Island Family Sailing Adventure | Queensland

Having done the Bareboating thing, admittedly many years ago when I wore a younger man’s clothes, the experience was truly extraordinary. Island hoping from one tropical paradise to the next is something that has stayed in my memory of the past 40 years. It certainly helped that the couple we went with had some sailing experience. And I myself, was a dedicated and somewhat fanatical sailor. However, it is not necessary.

The tranquillity and peace took us to a whole new dimension of joy.

The spectacular chain of 74 beautiful, tropical islands located off the Eastern coast of Australia in the Coral Sea mare not like anything else in the World. These rugged islands are covered in lush tropical vine forest and surrounded by brilliant, clear blue and turquoise water teeming with tropical fish, manta rays, turtles, dolphins, migrating whales and their babies.

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The gentle lapping of water against your bedroom wall lulls you to sleep as you dream of the scenic views you took in for the day from your floating hotel room. You’ll experience star-filled nights in tranquil anchorages, visit secluded bays, explore rainforest covered islands or sun yourself on world famous Whitehaven Beach. Snorkel the fringing coral of the Great Barrier Reef and come face to face with abundant marine life. Sunsets compete with each other trying to outdo the day before, and your only worry is which direction the wind is coming from.

You can your own pace and plan your own itinerary, confident of the backup and support only a radio call. You’ll experience it all and create a lifetime of memories that will exceed your expectations on a bareboat charter in the Whitsundays.

Bareboating: No Licence Required

Boating licences and qualifications are not a requirement for charter hire, however, your experience and boating know how is important to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment on board. A comprehensive half day briefing is included, but if you are low on experience, the charter company has a day introduction with a Sailing Master to get you up to speed. Alternatively, if you would prefer to have someone else do the navigating for you, hire a Sail Guide for the duration of your charter.

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With Bareboating Your Adventure Begins The Moment You Step Onboard

Your Whitsundays sailing adventure begins the moment you step on board. You can do as much or as little as you like while exploring the expansive clear turquoise waters, secluded coves, idyllic isolated beaches, and myriad of marine wildlife.

Navigate your own holiday, join other travellers on a packaged overnight sailing adventure or hire a skipper to pull the ropes while you unwind on deck. The options are endless and all awaiting your arrival…

There Is No Better Way To Experience The Beauty Of The Whitsunday Islands Than By Boat

Before you ask… no, the boats aren’t bare! It’s called bareboating because there’s no skipper or crew, you hire the boat and you skipper yourself (and your companions) across the aquatic wonderland that is the Whitsundays, charting your own course at your own pace – a real-life choose your own adventure.

Chartering a boat in the Whitsundays is relatively easy with several companies to choose from based out of Coral Sea Marina, Airlie Beach and Shute Harbour. Many are Eco Certified and offer a range of monohulls, catamarans and power boats depending on your preference. Before selecting your vessel, it is important to consider the number of guests you’ll have onboard, and when you plan to travel, as there are seasonal special’s during the high, mid, or low seasons.

Guide to the Whitsunday Islands - Tourism Australia - Bareboating

All companies offer a sleep-aboard service allowing you to arrive the night prior to get comfortable onboard your home-away-from-home and also time to organise your provisions (food) for the duration of your charter. The majority of charter operators also offer extras such as paddleboards, kayaks, snorkelling and fishing equipment.

The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park includes the mainland coast surrounding Airlie Beach, the Whitsunday Islands, and the outer reef. The species of coral and fish that thrive here, can be found on all the inner reefs that surround the islands, known as ‘fringing reefs’ and the outer reef.

The inner reefs are located in the lagoon section of water between the outer reef and the shore. The Whitsunday Islands lie in this region, mid way between the shore and the outer reef.

Coral grows towards sunlight and cannot grow above the low tide water mark, for that reason the outer reefs and the inner reefs surrounding the islands are covered with water most of the time and exposed or awash only at a very low tide.

The Whitsunday Islands are perfectly located at the heart of the Great Barrier Reef.

Rise of the coral that could repair the Great Barrier Reef | News | The Times

11 Amazing Facts About The Great Barrier Reef!

One of the 7 natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef is located off the coast of Australia’s Queensland and is home to a vast array of marine life.

Adventures around this spectacular area can take place from the air, by boat, or by diving beneath the waves and swimming alongside the spectacular corals. You’ve probably seen and heard a lot about this underwater wonderland but in case you haven’t, here’s everything you need to know…

1. It is the world’s largest reef system


With almost 3,000 individual reefs, 900 islands, and stretching for 2,600km there is no denying the reef is massive. This incredible living system can even be viewed from space. If you want to get an idea of size, then imagine the country of Italy lying just off the coast of Australia and you begin to get an idea of its vastness.

2. It is home to an incredible diversity of species


Attempting to list all the species here would be a challenge to say the least so here are some of the most impressive groups that the reef is home to:

  • 30 species of whale, dolphin, and porpoise
  • 6 species of turtle
  • 17 species of sea snake
  • More than 1,500 species of fish – incredibly, 10% of the world’s fish species inhabit the Great Barrier Reef.

3. Corals are alive

So, what is a coral, you ask? Corals are formed by tiny creatures called polyps that have a sac-like body with emerging tentacles. Corals gain their rock-like structure from the polyps as they use calcium and carbonate ions from the seawater to create a hard outer skeleton to protect their soft bodies. These polyps survive due to their relationship with the algae that live alongside them. The algae absorb light from the sun and subsequently feed the coral. The algae also give the corals their bright colours. Corals are, in fact, nocturnal and it is under the cover of darkness that the polyps emerge from their outer casings to catch small creatures that pass by.

4. The reef is further out than you may think

Great Barrier Reef View

Whilst coral reefs thrive in warm, shallow waters, these are not always close to shore. A barrier reef is defined as a coral reef running parallel to the shore but separated by a large lagoon. Visitors to the reef may be surprised that their boat trip could take between 45 minutes and 2 hours to reach the dive site so remember your travel sickness pills if it’s a windy day!

5. The threats to the reef are numerous

Sadly, the reef is struggling to survive with climate change being the main threat. Rising sea temperatures and pollution leave the coral more susceptible to bleaching and, tragically, eventual death. Tourism can also play a role, with swimmers and divers touching and damaging parts of the reef as well as leaving behind rubbish and contaminating the waters with sun cream and other pollutants.

6. A bleached reef isn’t always a dead reef

Coral bleaching occurs when changes in conditions cause the polyps to expel the algae on which it depends to survive. It is the algae which give the corals their colour so, of course, no algae means a bleached, colourless reef. Not all corals will immediately die following this event, however they are left without their primary food supply and are therefore more at risk of starvation and disease. Corals can recover after bleaching providing that conditions return to normal and they are not put under strain too soon afterward.

Dugong - Great Barrier Reef Foundation - Great Barrier Reef Foundation

7. There is hope for the reef’s return

Protection of the Great Barrier Reef is a top priority for the Australian Government and conservationists, so you’ll be happy to hear that measures are being taken to help protect this natural wonder. Efforts are being made to reduce sediment runoff and advanced laboratory techniques are allowing resilient corals to be grown away from the reef and planted in the wild when they are ready. Also, whilst tourism can play a part in the reef’s problems, it is also a part of the solution. With over 2 million visitors a year, the Great Barrier Reef is one of the most popular attractions in Australia and generates $5-6 billion per year. Money from reef tourism contributes massively to reef protection and the more people that love the reef, the more will be determined to help it survive.

8. The reef is millions of years old!

Great Barrier Reef Corals

The living corals which form the reef now are sat upon old, dead structures. These corals of the past could be up to 20 million years old!

9. Prehistoric creatures still live there

Great Barrier Reef Creatures

As already mentioned, some of the coral structures could date back millions of years, but so too could some of the creatures living there. The alien-like nautilus is a distant cousin to the squid but what makes this creature unique is that it appears to have remained relatively unchanged over the last 500 million years!

10. Corals only spawn once a year

When conditions are right, often after a full moon, the incredible phenomenon of coral reproduction takes place. An entire colony can synchronise, with each polyp releasing its genetic matter into the water creating a scene reminiscent of a snowstorm. This event can leave deposits on the surface of the water visible from space! Following this, new corals can form. Amazingly, it can take a single polyp to start a new reef!

Award of a $443.3 Million Grant to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation | Australian National Audit Office

11. Visit in the winter

The summer months may seem like a great time to visit the reef. But aside from the scorching temperatures, what may put you off a summer visit are the stingers. Stinger season stretches from November to May and within this time you could find yourself wearing a stinger suit in the water or only swimming within enclosures. But have no fear! Whilst it is cooler in the winter, the air and water temperatures are still pleasant and, most importantly, you’ll avoid a dreaded jellyfish encounter.

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